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biggest betrayal ever!!!

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgdwhvbnzce1usa/Angel%20417.mkv?dl=0




Just deleted my comment b/c I worried that it might contain a (very tiny) spoiler, depending on where your head is at. Sorry about that, will be more careful next time.

Cory James

I realize Connor did bad at the beginning of the episode but Cordelia set him up for it in the previous episode when he questioned her. She said something like "Now I know I can trust you completely and I know you would do anything for our baby." Unfortunately, having Cordelia by the throat is harmful to the baby and she already made him think Angel was a threat to it which is why Angelus had to be killed. Let's not forget Connor is like 17 here. Definitely, NOT 18 like Cordy claimed earlier in the season. I just can't hate him for being groomed his entire life by EVERYONE. No one has ever taught him to think critically, just follow instructions, and hold the hate of others. He listens to everyone but Angel because the only thing he has been raised to know by Holtz is that Angel is an animal and will do nothing but lie sweetly to his face. Connor has only been around for a year. as opposed to the 16 years in a hell dimension with Holtz. I'm so glad I've finally gotten to this part. I love these last couple of episodes lol. Gina Torres is a phenomenal actress.