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dudes and dudettes i'm so fucking excited and i just can't hide it

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dph4s4m431f454/Angel%20410.mkv?dl=0



Jonathan Hall

"Haaaay" lol! Lexi makes laugh all the time. Thank you

Cory James

Honestly, my favorite part of this whole thing is Angelus cackling at the end because Angel ended his fantasy doing Cordy and she doesn't even know but Angelus does and it's hilarious to him. But also Angel's fantasy isn't just getting the girl. He NEEDS everyone to be okay as well. Connor starts to understand him and basically gives his blessing. Wes and Cordy apologize. Wes and Gunn start being friends again. That's how he becomes PERFECTLY happy. It's so sad for Angel cause that's why he will never actually be perfectly happy again without magic like this.