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let's make that yuletide gay everybody 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bbxj6befo19b88v/Ted%20204.mkv?dl=0




I loved this episode, it was so much fun. It makes me miss Christmas.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Did anybody explain crackers yet? Everybody has one next to their place at the table. At some point everybody pulls them. Technically whoever gets the biggest part gets the gifts inside but often people just share them equally. Inside - a paper hat to be worn for the rest of the dinner/day, a (usually very bad) joke, a fun fact, a small (often crappy unless you buy your crackers at Harrods) gift. :D Oh, and football is a big thing on Boxing Day, which must kinda riun a lot of people's Christmas Day :'(