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hey guys sorry for missing my usual sunday upload, but i was feeling under the weather, but we're back now yayyy 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7de4g6bapkzncdt/Angel%20404.mkv?dl=0




I probably won’t change your mind on this episode or plot Lexi (I actually enjoy many things about this episode and I don’t have a problem with the amnesia plot here or anywhere really, though I acknowledge it’s been used plenty in TV shows and has a tendency to be lazily written) however I do think that a positive thing about amnesia plots is the opportunity for interesting callbacks and re-contextualization of certain past scenes. Like, I think it’s fun to see Cordy suddenly go into fight mode like on autopilot and also to see her look back at her graduation stuff (btw, flaming arrows probably refers to the flaming arrows that they threw at the vamps behind them, with Oz leading that flank I believe). Anyways, since nobody has mentioned this yet, a bit of fun trivia in this episode is the song that Cordy chose to sing for Lorne, which is the same song she was performing in the puppet episode in S1 of Buffy. It’s interesting that amnesia Cordy would just happen to go to that song of all songs…. :-)

Ron Fehr

Gunn's reply "Not a sidekick" kind of reminds of Xander's "Her boy? I'm her boy?" from Buffy season 7 episode 3.