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thanks i guess i'll never sleep again 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bbl184f07va8fts/Buffy%20703.mkv?dl=0



Ron Fehr

My only problem with the worm monster in the previous episode (and this totally my problem) is that the writers decided to call him Ronnie. You can probably guess why.

Cory James

Dawn my fav coming into her badass skills of research. She's affected by nothing. Everything is cool to her in an information way. The way Giles used to get excited and then he'd go 'well...not good for us obviously'. I love that for her, you're right that she'd make a fantastic watcher. I also love that they are looking at the same demon database on the computer that they use on Angel LOL Gnarl is one of my favorite demons. So very creepy.