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Alright here we go!! A new show. Hope you guys will enjoy :) 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n9wpzjb4y1lg0pp/Ted%20101.mkv?dl=0




A promise is a promise!


Thought I'd give this a try since I've also heard good things, but actually I didn't know it was about sports at all, haha, so I guess I'll have to check out a couple more eps and see if the sports stuff is too overpowering or if it's mostly about interpersonal relationships and comedy. Plus, I also wanna see if Anthony Head appears! 😁 Glad you and I agree on "gif" pronunciation. As someone who has lived big chunks of my life in multiple countries on either side of the Atlantic, I immediately knew what Ted was doing when he started counting on his hand... The time difference can be a bitch for communication. 😭 I'm a night owl, so for me it's better when I'm in Europe, I can easily catch people in the Americas. When I'm in the Americas I'm always wanting to call friends in Europe while they're sleeping.