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she came back wrong???


Buffy 609.mkv

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Alexis Billinge

I don’t talk about this openly a lot but I have a lot of very complex emotions about giles’ arc because when I was depressed in college and after college, my dad and step mom were constantly forcing me out into the world, I wasn’t allowed to live at home, I begged for support and was never given it in a way that actually helped me, and for years I hated my parents and still have some massive abandonment issues, but I do try my best sometimes to think about how my parents have their own lives and problems and even though it wasn’t right, I don’t really think they had any idea how to handle it, but I do still talk to my dad (not so much my step mom) and I’m doing much better than I was all those years ago, but that arc for me is very reminiscent of my own issues and thus I can’t just be angry at Giles.


BtVS is perfect at giving us exactly what we want, in exactly the manner we don't want it. Remember Angel's soul being returned just as Buffy was going to have to kill him? Remember Oz returning for Willow just as she had moved on? And now Buffy has been brought back from the dead - yay! And Willow has come out of her shell and discovered she's an amazing witch - yay! And she's managed to de-rat Amy - yay!! Its motto might as well be "be careful what you wish for".