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this show will be the death of me


Buffy 519.mkv

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Raven Dark

"And this is you guys' favorite season?" LOL. I love this season so much. This episode has so many sad, gut-punchy moments, but here I am trying to feel them, and you kept making me laugh. Every time something sad or stressful happened, you spiraled and you had me laughing so hard I couldn't focus. LOL I loved this reaction. Haven't had this much fun on this kind of episode with a reactor ever.


Season 5 is good, but It's far from my favorite. Season 3 is hands down my favorite - it's just so perfect. You could use season 3 of Buffy to teach a master class in serial story writing. Each episode is progressively better, and just keeps building; and earns the urgency and search for solutions that only comes at the very end. It has a wonderful balance of season long episodes, one offs, character development, serious moments and comedy. There are many shows today that could learn from season 3 of Buffy. Season 2 is my second, as it has many of the same qualities as season 3, but it still fluctuates in quality. Go Fish, anyone? I season 4 and 5 are tied for third. Season 4 gets a bad wrap on account of the season arc, which was poorly crafted, but upon re-watch it has a lot of really strong one-off episodes. This in contrast to season 5, which is well written from a technical from a technical standpoint, but I've always found season 5 to be a bit dry. I'm fairly certain "The Replacement" was the last comedy driven episode of the season, at that was episode three. Season 4 also does a better job giving the main characters a reason not to kill Spike, other than plot armor; while season 5 strains credulity pretty much from the start, with them not killing him for betraying them at the end of season 4. Hell, Riley went to the trouble of finding realistic plastic wood grain, fashioning it into a stake, so he could pretend to stake Spike for.... whose benefit? Buffy doesn't stake Spike for some reason after the whole thing with Dru, and again when he builds a fucking sex-bot that looks like her. Like, yay, he didn't rat her out to Glory - still a loose end who, despite not telling Glory *this time* that Dawn's the Key, doesn't make him trustworthy if it comes up the next time... Also - don't start hurling rotting vegetables at me - Riley and Buffy work better as a couple in season 4 than 5, and the writers made Riley so dull and pathetic in season 5 that it completely and permanently changes people's perspectives on the character. Like, even say that, I'd still prefer Buffy with Angel over Riley, but Riley and Buffy in season 4 were okay as a couple. Riley doesn't become Captain Carboard until season 5; and that's a perspective that took many rewatches, both to shake the entire season write-off of season 4, much less the season 5 bias of Riley's character. I get the impression going into season 5 the writers knew they were writing off Riley's character and just checked out; it was a fait accompli, nothing could change the direction that was going to head in.