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what an insane episode


Dollhouse 106.mkv

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I think Joel Miner has Paul figured out completely. This is not about the dollhouse. It's about Caroline. A girl Paul has never met, never seen except in pictures and one very short video clip. And he's obsessed with her. Not in love, obsessed. I don't really like Paul very much. And the way he's using Mellie isn't helping. Even if she's a doll the way he's treating her sucks. That alley scene is rather confusing. Were the things Echo was saying true? Is there indeed a mole in the dollhouse? Or is it some elaborate plan of Dewitt's to get Paul off the case?


i mean honestly for Eliza Dushku I would act out as well lmao but yeah Paul is definitely using Mellie which sucks because who she was programmed to be is a very nice person who would not deserve that

Phoenix Dawn

One of my favourites from season 1. This is where the show becomes interesting!