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Buffy 4x21.mkv

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Joseph Johnson

I am just sad my theory didn't pan out with this episode. Riley and Forest admit their love for each other then move to Vermont to open a bed and breakfast and at night they go out and battle the forces of evil. It could have been a fun little spin off with the cast dropping by guest spots, both Buffy and Angel. Keep hope alive and one day maybe you will see Giles and Spike accept each other. The puppy was very cute but the next episode will throw a lot at you. Oddly enough a lot of future events are foreshadowed in the season finally you will just need to rewatch it after the series finally to realize it. You did point out something important that some reactors miss. Riley cut open his chest ripped out that device and it didn't impair him in the least. Walsh did love Riley a great deal, not romantically but maternally like she did Adam. Mothers in both myth and history have gone to extreme lengths to protect their children and we do know Maggy put a chip in Riley and gave him a drug cocktail to make him stronger and faster. What else could she have done to him without him knowing. Before Buffy he trusted her completely. No spoilers but you are only two episodes away from the fan service episode as well. Season 5 episode 1. the girls cut loose at the beach in bikinis. Some other stuff happens but you will see it when you see it, not important.


Almost all reactors (that I've seen) say, "Why does this feel like a season finale? Isn't there one more episode in Season 4?" It's almost like you all forget that Buffy is an unconventional series. ;) I'm just teasing. You're in good company anyway, since almost every reactor seems to say things like that.