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It's the finale ahhhhhh


Firefly - 1x14 - Objects in Space.mkv

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Nicholas Corgan

By the time they filmed this, they knew the show was going to end, so they knew not to tantalize us with a cliffhanger. Thankfully.

Nicholas Corgan

So this is less practical than getting the movie, but there is a short comic series, “Those Left Behind”, that bridges between Firefly and Serenity. It’s not at all necessary, but it does add some context and resolves some storylines that were started in the show but the movie couldn’t get to.


This is an amazing episode. Disturbing in many ways, but so good. It's just so weird, in all the best ways. Some of the thoughts (if they are that) River hears get explained in the episode - like the doctor's thoughts - and some of it we already know - like Jayne's. But what's up with Shepherd Book's thoughts? The bad guy is interesting too. Obviously unhinged, but also apparently very good at his job. That is a scary combination.

David Meadows

It's never occurred to me that Early might be like River, but as soon as you said it my mind was blown. It actually makes a lot of sense.