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sorry about the audio quality during the intro. i may have forgotten to hit record on my microphone. oopsie


Buffy 4x6.mkv

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Yet another barrel of laughs from the Buffyverse. This one is a tough watch.

Joseph Johnson

This episode still rips me up inside no matter how many times I have watched it. I understand where Veruca is coming from, her and Oz will always share a deeper connection because of the wolf than anything he could ever feel for Willow. If Oz had tried to find some peace with the Wolf within himself he would probably have been able to spot her coming and resist her when he needed to but instead he treated it like an infection to hide from the world so he wasn't prepared for what it would be like when he encountered another wolf. I do also understand his leaving, Veruca wasn't just the first person he killed but another werewolf. A part of him probably trying to do the whole stoic thing, I will keep you safe by staying away crap. Maybe Oz should take the weekend and drive to LA to ask Angel how it going first. As for the comparison of cheating Willow mostly just kissed but kept her cloths on for a few months while Oz had sex with another women multiple times, they do even out in a purely mathematical sense. It was good that Oz looked like he did regret saying it after he did. Willow screwed up but Oz forgave her and it looked like Willow wasn't going to end it with Oz and wanted to try and fix it so at least she was willing to try and do the right thing. On the other hand both of these ladies are 19, they should be focusing on just dating and learning about themselves and the world around them. Not finding happily ever after, it finds you when the time is right.