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Okay this is definitely Faith's fault. She's the one making me talk so much

end review: https://dai.ly/k1Y7epoXKBG1Ofx3Rhy


Buffy 3x15 - full reaction



I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but every once in a while something COMPLETELY INSANE happens on this show. lol :P BTW, I enjoyed your balanced, non-extreme thoughts about our Faith.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Unfortunately Giles is partially at fault for what has happened with Faith. He tried at the start, I think, defending her methods in Faith, Hope, and Trick and trie to get her to train with Buffy etc but he didn't do much after that and it is SO very obvious that Buffy is his favourite :( In his defence the Council expected him to look after TWO slayers, both of whom can be quite a handful! They also sent Wesley the incompetent to manage Buffy, Faith and a pissed off Giles. Seems like the Council just don't give a damn ;) I wish it had been Giles talking to Faith as well, he really does understand how you can get drawn down a very dark path and what it feel like to be responsible for somebody's death. I feel like the writers just wanted to give Angel something to do (which is understandable), I don't really think he was the best person to talk to Faith. Faith is a very complicated character but she's really stepped over some lines here :( I wish more had been made of the attempted rape and murder of Xander. Bit of a double standard there :/ Great episode though, and what a climax - great reaction to that btw :D But are you telling me if I save a baby I CAN'T kill two old people? Damn :( lol And yeah, Wesley the weasel :D And you have a good point about having maybe too many characters, it does feel odd sometimes.