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next stop earth

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n0llccmjavbkc829e9n0f/Bsg-207.mkv?rlkey=x4re50q4it4ci42s80sencl5z&st=zd3rqo84&dl=0




Is Adama starting to believe? Has he always believed and just didn't show it? Or is he pretending now, as he has done before? I guess it would be hard not to believe after that tomb. Perhaps when Six says "our baby" she means the child of Humans and Cylons, not literally Gaius and her. I love how they incorporate parts of Greek mythology, astronomy, and Christianity, and all make it fit somehow.

Kyle Junge

so my thoughts on the logistics of Cylon memories and personalities cause it seems to be a point of contention. I'm not sure if this is right but it seems the most logical explanation to me. I think not all Cylons necessarily know everything else every other Cylon of the same model knows. The ones that die can be reborn in an identical body with all the memories of the of the one that died. But other Cylons of the same model can be made that don't have the memories of previous models but do have the same general personality. Also once a Cylon is born it can no longer get new memories from others of the same model even if they die. In regards to the Sharon in this episode I think she was made with all the memories of the boomer that had existed up until the point boomer left Helo on Caprica in the miniseries but everything that happened to that boomer afterwards she doesn't know about. That's why she know Chief and everything about Boomer generally but her own experiences on Caprica have caused her do drift from him even though they have the same memories up until the mini series.