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no we do not have any milk

thank you guys so much for your patience and understanding! hope you'll enjoy the reaction!! episode 17 is coming out in an hour ;)

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uklpem9dlji454nt47z8m/Lost-216.mkv?rlkey=5wp54tnjp3mb0nkguk31q0394&st=bgrl3sf1&dl=0



Free Your Geek

That monologue by Henry at the end of the episode is one of my favorite scenes of the series! So well acted! I also liked both Ana Lucia and Jin apologizing to Sayid and Sun respectively. Both apologies needed to be made.


"I think Jin's been in the Sun too long" JFC Lexi, I'm glad I'd just finished my drink before you said that, otherwise it might've gotten messy! 🤣