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they really leveled up the incest for season 2 xD

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ucb94dfh6kl11r8uh50gp/Game-Of-Thrones-201.mkv?rlkey=qwf5kqn9g2u1211pngsfcwghj&st=s4arfud4&dl=0




The introduction of Stannis Baratheon quickly shows us the type of man he is: honest, to a fault. He didn't love his brother, so he cannot be called "beloved" in the letter. Jaime is the Kingslayer, but also a knight, and must be named such. And that woman who's with him is mysterious to say the least. I remember the rage I felt towards Joffrey when first watching this... Seems like you can relate. "This is definitely fun for the whole family" sure hits different after all that incest talk.

Brendan O'Connor

I’m pretty sure Craster’s daughter who was told to speak to Mormont and the others was repeating something he’s told them a hundred times, she didn’t seem too fervent in her tone