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this was such an interesting video. hope the reaction is enjoyable too

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p968waad048q7xqsz4hvp/Game-Of-Thrones-Season-1-Lore-And-Histories.mkv?rlkey=0xatoc02g4fewmov1r7q9htup&dl=0



Chris Costelloe

I’ve tried to watch a couple of other reactors on this, but never kept my attention. I’m looking forward to watching though as I’m sure you’ll make it very entertaining!

Kevin Karst

Thank you for listening to our suggestions. :-) This was fun to watch and it will help you to understand the show even better. I personally didn't mind the repetitiveness, because I think it's interesting to hear different perspectives and opinions of the same events. It's also a bit like that in the books, where every chapter is told from one character's perspective.


The repetition also helps for remembering some of the important facts - the lore of this world is very intricate.


The part I find most interesting is the Lannister's - and specifically Tywin's - part in history. Tywin was apparently a good Hand. And in the rebellion he waited to act, not out of fear or cowardice, but out of cunning and calculation. Only when he was sure they could win, he chose a side. He may not be honourable, but he is efficient.