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everybody give it up for some motherfucking dragons

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tz1ak44oz0wz2nxxpeyvm/Game-Of-Thrones-110.mkv?rlkey=964zeyjh06g11i4luekj0bv8g&dl=0



Victor L.

That ending! The epic music and the sound of a dragon screeching! And the last paragraph of the book "A Game of Thrones" reads: "As Daenerys rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring in the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons."

Andrew Pulrang

This is an easy plot point to miss, or misunderstand, athough it's right there in the last two episodes so it's not a spoiler. It took me quite awhile to fully understand it ... When Ned was being led to his trial and execution, for a moment he ran into Yoren, the man from The Wall who is visiting the capitol to pick up criminals and beggars to become Nights Watch men. So he and Ned know each other. Ned has just a second to talk to Yoren and says, "Baelor!" That's to alert him that Arya is there, by the stature of Baelor. Yoren understands that means he should protect Arya at all costs. He does his best to prevent her from actually seeing the beheading, and then goes about taking her with him to The Wall -- basically taking her towards home -- rescuing Arya from the dangers of the capitol. So while he talks tough and rough to Arya, Yoren is dedicated to helping her. And we can also conclude from this that it's Yoren's way of serving Ned one last time -- and that when Ned had a momentary chance to get a bit of help, he directed that help towards protecting Arya, not himself. It's one of my favorite plot and character points in the whole series.