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hey guys i'm sorry that out of all the episodes this is the one you had to wait so long for. i hope the wait is gonna be worth it :) enjoy the reaction

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mwzv6up5ujmm4plci6hw7/Game-Of-Thrones-109.mkv?rlkey=04rx0w6lqn9buip6z6jimkxx3&dl=0



Brendan O'Connor

Peter Dinklage won an Emmy for this episode. Tyrion’s monologue about his wife was more than enough to deserve it


When even Cersei is against executing you know how wrong it is… Also I think history has shown that wars never end just like that. It starts with one thing but multiplies. Ned has a lot of supporters not just in the north. I’m sure the news of this will make it worse. There has to be some bloodshed 😭

Andrew Pulrang

This is a super important point about Cersei pleading with Joffrey after he orders Ned's execution. And it's easy to miss because of how emotional and noisy the whole scene is. The fix was supposed to be in ... arranged by the adults, presumably led by Cersei. Ned would confess, (falsely of course), and be allowed to live at The Wall, thereby hopefully ending the war with the Starks and allowing the Lannisters to solidify their hold on the throne. But Joffrey is a wild card, a child, and, unfortunately, the King. The gang around him is immoral and self-serving for sure, but at least they are rational, and their goal is some kind of stability. Joffrey is most definitely not rational, and at this point we can only guess at his actual goals, if he has any aside from being cruel.


I'm not following this because I couldn't get through the show as a book fan from long before the show...but I did watch the first couple seasons, I think. I was so annoyed how long Ned lived, lol, to me his death is like the inciting incident of the story, and them dragging out his part all season made it seem so slow. (It's understandable, obviously I love the actor, but I just kept yelling at my tv for him to die already so the story could start.🤣)

David Cansler

One of the many shockers in this series. I've watched this series several times and I'm always shocked at this episode even though I know what is happening.


To be fair, I didn't vote for this show. And yet, watching Lexie spiral in a reaction is perversely entertaining. So I guess it's fair not to get a shout out... It's strange watching your reactions for Game of Thrones, because I haven't actually watched the series before. But there's a bunch of stuff that's just kind of ubiquitous that I did become aware of during the course of the show's run; and this scene was one of them. So I was kind of anticipating it for a while. There's so much though I just have no clue about.