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a zombie???

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p9kdykbbw32o72z6og1fi/Game-Of-Thrones-108.mkv?rlkey=wnzhplnlt4ti7kaybj18phlrt&dl=0




Your signature denial will serve you very well in this series! :D


Syrio Forel, Arya's dancing master, takes on four armoured men with basically a wooden stick. He's the First Sword of Braavos for a reason! "Let's kick Joffrey's ass." Remember though that Joffrey rules the seven kingdoms. The North is just one of the seven. Plus, the Lannisters have a lot of money to get soldiers. I don't like the Stark's odds. Lord Umber rising against Rob, having his fingers bitten off, and then laughing about it, shows how tough the northerners are. Come to think of it, maybe they do have a shot against the Lannisters after all. I think your scientific theory of the wolf beating the lion is a bit flawed. Robert Baratheon fought against the Targaryens - a stag against a dragon, and the stag won.