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there's no way

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5473uy9e7v9da9hgrixpm/Game-Of-Thrones-107.mkv?rlkey=vul7uej3vf8hvacde01fhvw8a&dl=0




"The spider" is Lord Varys, the bald guy on the small council and "master of whisperers" (spies), he is the one who keeps tabs and pulls strings even across the narrow sea where Daenerys is. "Lord Renly" is King Robert's younger brother, also on the small council. The guy who wanted to ally with Ned and become King himself. What Varys told Ned is that Renly fled the city after Ned refused to help him, taking with him a sizeable force of men still loyal to him as well as Loras Tyrell (his lover). Also, Ned didn't follow Robert's words to the letter. Robert asked that Ned rule till "his son Joffrey comes of age" but Ned instead wrote "rightful heir" - which, if Joffrey and his younger siblings are indeed Jaime's, makes Stannis the rightful heir.

Andrew Pulrang

There is an argument included in this story that favors letting Joffrey become King in order to avoid a very bloody civil war. From a certain standpoint it might be the best thing for the whole realm, even if Joffrey isn't the rightful heir and is also a creep. It's an argument that various people make in various forms in GOT, but I think is often overlooked by viewers. I'm not sure I agree with it, but it's not as obvious a choice as Ned makes it sound. Littlefinger is awful, Varys is shady, and Renly is good but unrealistic. But their alternative strategies aren't necessarily wrong.