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Another commission for the cruel red head Destiny. Here's the story the commissioner wrote for this piece

"Still here. I couldn't believe it. 4 months and I'm still here. Still alive...but boy, did I not want to be. When would this hell end? How much longer would I have to see this madness go on? What was 4 months, felt like 10 years....  

 Well...this time me and my family (that's what I call them now, we had nobody else...) were here at the mercy of Destiny's living room. Apparently she'd just finished her homework and just wanted to get a drink...a simple task but a death wish for us all. Many of us on her carpet felt the ground rumble like an earthquake of immeasurable power. Many of us got motion sick just by the vibrations of her steps. Running was damn foolish. We just accepted our fates. Her gargantuan feet hovered over us like a dark cloud...and then?  "SPLAT". That's all we heard.  

 Some of us were lucky enough get stuck to the sweat of her feet...most of us had our lives cut short. As I opened my eyes,  the world moved violently as I was being carried by her feet. Next to me...was the friend I just made. His name was Justin. Ironically went went to the same school. We talked about simple stuff. Girls. The beach. Playing Super Smash Bros....my friend was now nothing but a bloody mess. Something you'd see in a horror movie. I think...I saw his legs...where his head used to be....I wanted to puke but, y'know: "AAAAAAAAAAAAGUH!!!"....that's about all I could do. And I wasn't screaming about being carried around like a crippled bug. Oh no. My scream came from the sight I saw.  

 Hundreds of of mushed like bugs. Screaming people of all ages. Earthquake. Smash. Scream. Earthquake. Smash. Scream. CONSTANTLY for what felt like an entire day....when it was literally only 3 minutes. Those of us "lucky" enough to  escape her soles made it to her legs. Great legs, Destiny. I bet you wax them. So oily was the landscape...and how thick her button was. Hanging on the the fabric of her short shorts we dangled on for dear life. Her firm ass...ruined by the sight of the SAME blood stains of my family. You'd THINK Destiny probably forgot about us...but she'd always let out a giggle on purpose. She knew. Would you believe some of us still got aroused? None of us, not even our girls, could blame us. This landscape was a stockholm syndrome world...we were deprived of being humans many months ago...why blame us for FEELING human...even in our final moments?" 



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