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Commissioner from DA who also included a story. Hope you enjoy it! 

"When we were deposited in her hair, it was like losing our family members one by one. Due to the massive forest her hair was to us, all we could see were enormous red trees. The kind of trees you'd think were so huge, they were there for thousands of years...but they weren't...they were just 18 years old.  Occasionally, "Destiny's" hair dandruff would accumulate, make it seem like were stuck in the biggest snow storm of our lives. When she' blow-dry her hair, it was the biggest hurricane. The heat would kill some of us instantly...I've seen too many people die here.

When I thought I'd never make human contact with anyone again,  I heard a distant voice. My body was so frail due to lack of food I tripped in my running...but I got back up and limped forward, my need for contact pushed me. The voice grew louder and louder in the deep , dark forest.  I could hear micro insects screech like wolfs, but I kept running. As I reached the light at the end of the tunnel...there I saw a simple boy, sitting and crying...there were no words to be said. I simply walked slowly up to him...crouched down...extended my withering arm and patted him on the back. "Everything's gonna be all right, kid" I said. It really wasn't. "I miss my mommy and daddy..." he replied with tears never ending. I couldn't reply...all I did was just sit with him, in the middle of this red, endless forest....




So tiny ^^