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July's waifu of the month poll was limited to Western animation and comics so there's only 2 choices. The poll closes on the 13th.

Also regarding future WOTM polls, since I've fallen so fantastically behind on keeping up with those, I'll be retiring the WOTM poll in September. August will be the last WOTM and will be limited to video game characters. 

I've decided to focus on commissions and my comic. I want to finish Serah's Curse 2 this year so I need more time to work on that, along with making origin comics for fun. So to make up for the loss of the WOTM polls, I will be having more polls based on what kind of content you want to see in my comics. I'm also going to work on my backlog of fanart I want to make and I will make polls for that as well. I hope everyone enjoys the coming changes to my patreon!


