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Hello all! I'm currently recovering from an unexpected bout of food poisoning, so if this one's especially weird, you can blame it on that. I guess all food poisoning should be unexpected. If you are expecting food poisoning, I would strongly suggest not eating whatever you're eating.


Here are the posts from this month:

- editing the intro of a collab | June Process Stream
Goofy Livestream Tomorrow (and poll for next month!)
- The FINAL BTS Memories | June Goofy Livestream
- June's Patreon Exclusive Video (and a postmortem about why I'm not uploading it to YouTube) 


Quite a bit! As you can see in the images on this post, I'm working on a collab video with Tom Cardy! He's a really lovely guy, and it was a treat to get to work with him on this video.

As previously mentioned, it was gonna go up as this month's video, but we're holding off so I can give it a really good edit/so we can potentially premiere it at a festival sometime in October. It'll be cool to have it come out first on a semi-big screen, even if it means waiting to post it to the wide world.

So that means no June video, right? Haha GOTCHA! I DID do a June video, but I didn't love it as much as I had expected! That's why I only released it on Patreon with a little postmortem (this post). It's nice to have a Patreon for things like this, where I can show you the work that I made even if it didn't live up to my own personal standards for posting on YouTube.

I've also been working on other things that have been keeping me super busy, but again, cannot speak about them at the moment! I'll let you know when I can.


1. Immediately? I'll be trying to finish this bowl of Progresso Chicken & Rotini soup, which I have been slowly eating for the past two hours. But hey, it hasn't come back up yet, so I must be doing something right!

2. Next on the video side of things is continuing to edit the Tom Cardy collab, plus a lot of writing. As I mentioned in my postmortem:

"I want to focus harder on things I'm 100% passionate about! I'm finding myself with less and less time to work on these videos, so I'd like to use the time I do have to work on stuff that makes me feel excited! Not just about the concept, but about the process, and about the end result. It's been a minute since I've made something and said 'I can't WAIT for people to watch this!' And I want to get back to that."

So I'm gonna finally write this horror that I've been mulling over for the past, I don't know, year and a half? It's just a little shortie, but I am gonna allow myself the chance to give it the time it deserves. 

Hopefully, by the end of next month, I'll have the script fully finished and I'll be starting the production process. This might mean I won't have a public video for June or July, but I'd rather really nail this one than keep pumping out stuff that I'm not fully proud of. Either way, I'll let you know how it's going in the next Progress Report.

3. I'm taking a break from my Twitch channel for a bit. Might be a few weeks, or months, but I'll most likely be back at some point. It's similar to the reason why I took a break earlier this year (wanting to come back with fresh eyes), but it's also predominantly due to burnout. 

I'm busy with a lot of work, and even though this is the lowest lift of the things I do (I just need to play a video game on a bike), doing anything on the internet takes up a lot of mental space. I was getting to the point where I'd go to sleep and think, "Ah man, I don't know what I'm gonna play tomorrow," and I realized the stress was outweighing the fun. Hopefully a longer break will help with that. And who knows, maybe with the extra free time in the morning I can go back to an actual gym for the first time since Feb. 2020! That could be fun!

4. Hey did you hear there may be a new strike on the horizon? SAG-AFTRA negotiations are supposed to be up tomorrow, so depending on how it goes, it might be a double strike time for me. The WGA strike is still ongoing, and the longer it goes on, the more it seems that studios are trying to make an example of writers. How fun.


Tummy hort. I should be back on my feet by tomorrow but for now I'm gonna keep drinking gatorade, the liquid of champions, and also the liquid of feeble little guys who can't eat a whole chicken noodle soup. 




Rest up good! I hope you feel so much better soon! In both immediate physical and longer-term psychological ways! Thank you so much for the updates!


I hope you can finish your soup and feel better soon Brian! And remember only the prettiest of girlies get the hurtiest of tummies


So glad to hear you're collabing with Tom Cardy, but gladder to hear you're taking breaks for yourself :) Enjoy your soup!


Sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Hopefully it will pass soon, it’s never a fun one. And the bikebreak is extremely sensible and earned - you have a lot going on from the sounds of, and streaming is a surprisingly big mental load regardless of how frivolous the activity may seem. What’s wonderful on a personal note is that I’m now doing stuff I would never have dreamed of doing before your stream, like my half-hour cross-country jogs or my recent forays into “the gym”. Idk how but you’ve effectively helped wean me off my deep phobia of exercise and now I can just do it. I’m super grateful for your part in that, and I shall keep that energy up without your stream as a magic feather (it’s more a social event these days). The collab with Tom Cardy looks like it’s gonna be great, and I’m also intrigued to see both what your other projects will reveal themselves as and how the strike(s?) will shake out. Good luck to everyone picketing!


hope you feel better soon! please take as much time as you need to rest and reset. if and when you feel up to coming back to stream, if the decision fatigue of new games every couple of weeks is a factor as you mentioned, i’m sure a longer-term commitment to something slower like a stardew valley-type would be totally enjoyable. if you wanted to switch up formats that would be fun too, totally here for whatever you decide to do!


Brother, one of my other favorite creators? No fuckin way.


Man oh man, you tell those poorly tums to get their shit together. ❤️


I am OUTRAGEOUSLY excited for this collab.

Drew Risch

Holy shit, two of my favorite creators know each other?!?!?!?! This is amazing! Whaaaaaat?!


Oh man, you and Tom are well-loved in this house. :) Feel better soon, Brian!


Poor BDG. I recommend several very well-done steaks, 2 liters of Monster, and a silly facemask and call me in the morning. Or ever. Just call me. Also, you and Game Grumps both on the Tom Cardy train! Toot toot!


I'm excited for more bdg scaries!! feel better soon!

Katherine Allan

!! I am so excited about your collab! My partner and I have joked about a sitcom where you, Tom Cardy, and Jazz Emu were wizard roommates.


OMG! can't wait to see what y'all produce together. <3


Food poisoning is terrible. Rest up, take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon!


omgggg some quality horror from one of my fav horror-makers?? take all of the time, for this I can wait :D


Is Oh no Is that Is That Tom Cardy??????

Conner K

FUCK YEAH! I love Tom Cardy! Both of you are hilarious and make great music, so I'm really looking forward to whatever you make together!


I could not imagine a better collab. Holy shit yes.


Not the collab I knew I needed, but now I'm hella excited!


This one feels inevitable. The universe had to make this happen, at some point.