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Hello hello everyone! And a special hi to all the new free patrons who have joined this month! Welcome to your first official Progress Report! Prepare to be underwhelmed.


First off, here are the Patreon posts I've made this month:

it's nesting season | BEHIND THE SCENES
it's nesting season | Song, Stems
Hello Free Members!
May Livestream Info/Poll for June!
GARTIC PHONE | May Goofy Livestream
Writing/Editing a video | May Process Livestream

(I'm gonna try to put these in every Progress Report from now on so they're all in one place in case people miss them in their emails/want to check this Patreon ONLY ONCE every month.)


I posted the bird video! It was fun!

And a couple days before that video came out, the WGA strike started. Karen and I picketed on her birthday, which was fun:

Though we weren't working on a WGA show when the strike started, this means we can't pitch anything or continue working on any WGA projects we were in the process of developing. We've been keeping busy with my videos and some other stuff that I can't talk about at the moment, but it sure is a strange time to be in Los Angeles! If you're in the city and drive past a picket line, be sure to give a big ol' honk in support (and to remind any execs that happen to be in the building that people care about paying writers fairly).

I also went to a bug festival and saw a lot of cool bugs. I took a picture of this sign, mostly because I wish I saw it in other contexts. I'm always asking if people have Isopods:

Also, I'm working on a new Dropout show! Can't share details at the moment, but suffice to say it's a great crew of folks and I'm very excited for our main filming days, which might happen later this summer. I say might because...


... it's looking like there could be a SAG-AFTRA strike starting soon! As a member, I've already voted to authorize the strike (I believe votes end June 5th, so if you're in SAG-AFTRA and reading this and haven't voted, GO DO THAT), and if negotiations go poorly and the strike happens, that means no more voice roles or acting for the duration of said strike. Personally, I hope that the studios realize that paying writers/actors/crew/everyone a fair wage is a smarter and healthier thing to do than allow the entire industry to go on strike, but these hopes aren't very high. It's possible that this whole city will shut down for a bit. Who can say!

On the video front, I've got two things on the burner right now. I mentioned in the April Progress Report that I already had my June video planned! That is no longer the case, because the person I'm collaborating with said we might end up premiering the video at a festival later this year, which is very cool! But it also means I don't have a June video ready to go.

So I'll be going back to my very silly Disney video, and it might not even appear on my YouTube channel. I talked about this during my Process Livestream, but this one might be a Patreon exclusive vid. We'll see how it all turns out!



Thank you, Nintendo, for taking up 100% of my free time these past few weeks. There are so many good games to play right now, but this is the only one I can focus on. All of my photos in the game look like this:

I'm doing a great job.



Dapper Gent

I was JUST listening to breezy slide!


All extremely understandable caveats considering what’s going on! I hope that the execs can come to understand the necessity of their employees’ role in their success and come around :) Also the zelda brainrot is real. I’ve currently got about 115 hours clocked in it and am way too powerful (i.e. can kill gleeoks for fun)


Fashions are Passions


I NEED to know what Karen's sign said.

Lauren Prince

Hard same with the TotK hyperfocus, some days it's fun and some days it's, "Please please I want to get off this rollercoaster and accomplish something I'll come back I promise 😭" May the execs pay respectably 🙏

Katherine Allan

I was not underwhelmed, that was super interesting! Thanks for sharing a bit of your world with us.


On Brian's Instagram post for her birthday, we see it says "We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take this anymore".


I have also NOT BEEN ABLE TO STOP PLAYING IT. Like I have to remember to eat.


I cannot allow myself to even start playing TotK until fall when I no longer need to dedicate full time to gardening/farming because I will get nothing done irl once I start playing