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I know that these posts are usually filled with the actual song/stems from the video, but as I mentioned in the Blooper post, Louie gets to have the proceeds from the final song (which can be found on his bandcamp)!

So instead, I wanted to post the little demo I sent to Louie when I was writing the lyrics to his basic track. The final song sounds VERY different from the original demo for a few major reasons:

  • I am singing purely to show what the lyrics/melody/harmony sound like, so there are no flourishes, and I tried to keep it as steady as possible.
  • My voice was shredded/stuffy the day I recorded the demo because I was getting over a small head cold. Enjoy all the times my voice cracks and sounds REAL BAD (especially in the super high lead up to the final chorus).
  • After Louie heard my melody, he changed the music to fit it better, which is part of the fun of collaborating.

I want to let you know that I NEVER INTENDED FOR ANYONE EXCEPT LOUIE TO HEAR THIS. That's what demos are for! You just use them to give your collaborator a sketch, and you trust that they know you will do a much better job on the final version.

But I figured you all might get a kick out of hearing my absolutely terrible/unprocessed vocals. Things don't have to be great until you're at the end of the process, and it's always good to give yourself a lot of slack while you're making it. I certainly gave myself a LOT of slack while making this demo.




Process! Is! Fascinating! Thank you so much for letting us see the intermediate steps here. I love to track the drafts and revisions a song goes through.

Lauren Prince

I'm having trouble writing a first draft of a new novel after spending so long editing another one, and it's largely because I forgot that a first draft can (and should be) terrible. Thanks for the reminder that rough drafts should be rough ♡ (As much as I still love even this early version of the song ♡♡)


is it perfect? no! but the foundations are there, and that's how you build a house.

Codex Arcane

This has such a great Yacht Rock vibe, I love the foundations of this thing. Some of it is a little out of BDG's range for some parts (meaning the low parts) but for a start it's amazing.


Been listening to Thumbnail for months now, can’t wait to see what else you and Louie make!!


love to know that other people are also struggling with the ups and downs in the timeline of Creating A Thing. Logically i know that p much any medium to big project i work on will have (at the least) a dip in the middle where i think i have messed up irredeemably but then it almost always turns out fine, but its very reassuring to be reminded of this from an outside source. in the same vein, its so easy to enjoy this even if its a bit wobbly and stuffy, so i really should fret less about my own singing. who cares about a few off notes when the feeling is there (and also The Funk)


This is wonderful. As a marker of my age and tastes, when I think "demo," I think Casio, guitar, drum machine, and the occasional accordion, with the fantastic audio quality of magnetic tape.


Jsyk every time someone compares this to yacht rock and/or Hall and Oates, I grow in power


I want you know that I've been playing Breezy Slide on repeat since first listening to it! It's such an fun and uplifting song. I think I speak for many of us when I say that if you and Louie ever decide to make a full album of citypop, we would be here with open arms.


I have been listening to this song (on Spotify) non stop since you released it. I can't get it out of my head.


made one of those pet playlists on spotify and they put this song on there so everyone do with that what you will