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Kiyoshi felt some urgency as he scratched his ass to go pee. He could feel his body getting hot, he yawned as he felt there was something wrong with his ass but he was too groggy to tell. He looked at his penis blurrily, unaware of it’s shrinkage. It’s once mighty size having now become the size of his thumb, he thought it because of the cold and then gave it no further thought.

He felt his chest shaking as he walked up the stairs, there was that illusion again, perhaps he had eaten too much and grew some manboobs? He thought without much consideration, as he opened the door again, the cold air blasted his face, he smiled then stepped on Sugita's face as he got on the bed. 


“Go to sleep…” 

“Bastard! You stepped on…” Sugita went to sleep, he was a heavy sleeper.

As soon as Kiyoshi got into his bed, he wanted to go pee again. 

“What a pain,” he said as he scratched his head. Not quite realizing the length in which his hair has grown as he got down the stairs, his chest shaking even more heavily. 

“I got to gym more or something…” He said in annoyance as he moved down, his growing breast still bouncing. He arrived at the toilet, turning the doorknob, for a moment he looked at his slender hand on the knob, his hand was a lot more bigger than this, he realized he was probably dreaming so he just went in and held onto his still shrinking penis, now the size of a bottlecap.

Lucky for him, he aimed right and then washed his hand, his breast now half a B-size, still shaking as he was walking but he was already at the point of sleep-walking right now. He was still in a half-asleep state as he walked towards the mirror to wash his hands again. 

Every time he had gone to pee, his body had become increasingly feminine until eventually he had looked into the mirror and began asking herself out because she thought she was meeting a pretty girl in a dream or something. 

But finally as he went to pee, he spilled over his hands and realized his dick had gone. He washed his hands and saw in the mirror who he was. A cute girl. But he was still extremely sleepy but conscious enough to realize and rationalize it. 

“I see, I see, this must be one of those nightmares, reflecting the worst fear a man could experience. My muscles a-are gone and I have become a woman. H-heh heh, I must be so resilient that I wouldn’t even wake up sweating. You know what? I am going to take a shower, then go to bed again.”

Even as he showers, he is in denial, not trying to take notice of the huge obstacle in his view when he rubs his chest. He was overwhelmed by sleepiness as with that he finally rationalized it as a dream, falling back to bed asleep. 


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