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Yoshi moved along delicately with her movement patterns, it was like second nature to him because it was. He was her at the moment, and ironically enough, her own sadism and need for control only increased Yoshi's pleasure in controlling her body, it didn't influence what he already thought but only made him feel even better than he would without it.

By the cave, dark clouds were looming above the sky, Yoshi thought how similar it had looked to in a manga and the possibility that he was in a dark fantasy world.

Yoshi enjoys those works, but he understood he probably couldn't bear to go through the twisted things that the protagonists of those works had to go through against their sadistic villains. To be reincarnated into a dark world is the last thing that he wants. But this isn't that bad.

Although he is grimly reminded again that he in fact cannot possess a man. Even with her memories of pleasures but never really having experienced it, he doesn't know how good it really is.

"We seem to be in a dark fantasy world, Hayato." Yoshi says to Goblin Hayato. Her tone is more similar to Yoshi's now.

"I don't care, I got no magic powers and you got a cheat code that lets you take over enemy players. I was promised sex, you better give it to me!"

"Get over it already. And...aren't you feeling weirded out by the fact that I am in her body?" She asks, switching again from his tone to hers mid-sentence, making what she said sound more sly and seductive.

"You look like a woman, you have a pair of breasts and a pussy, as long as you are not behaving like the perverted Yoshi I know I am fine with this." Hayato says.

Her expressions changed to that of menacing as her eyes widened with pure malice and evil.

"I will snip your cock off, you little lustful creature, you really believe I will allow you to touch me? And to go anywhere in bed with me?" She threatened with a harsh tone.

Hayato paused to look up at her, "That’s getting old, I already know that’s you. So yes. just that do that, stay in character during sex and we will be fine. "

Yoshi cracked almost immediately again and hugged him. Her large pair of soft breasts squeezing into Goblin Hayato's face as her warm breath blew next to his ear, her flowery scent in his nose, and her fingers softly going across his back.

"How about now?" Yoshi manages to say with his own voice through her mouth.

"NOT THIS, STOP THIS, GAH, NOT THIS, NOW THIS IS GAY! I CAN FEEL THE YOSHI I KNOW FROM THIS! STOP THIS!" Hayato struggles to get out, recognizing Yoshi's voice fully, completely incompatible with the sexy figure that was up against him. Yoshi was playing this part way too well, Hayato knew Yoshi was into some weird porn when he peered over his shoulder in the break room. This was probably it.

"I am just joking around. But don't you want to know at least why we are in this world?" Yoshi looks down the carriage down the slope where her men are standing at attention, awaiting their mistress's arrival.

"I-I need to mate. I cannot hold it in anymore. My penis's existence is a punishment."

"GAH! LET ME MATE!" Hayato swings his arms down trembling with lust, avoiding to look at Yoshi, lest he gets taken by it and leaps at her. It would seem unlike Yoshi, Hayato exerted no control over his Goblin body's instinct.

Yoshi did feel surprised as well that the always composed Hayato was in such a state, the same guy who had remained calm while their store was being robbed, the same guy who had kept his eyes straight while talking to a woman with revealing cleavage. Now completely lost to the throes of lust.

From a distance, a pair of dark eyes watch them.

"M'lady, have you enough of bantering with the goblin you are supposed to capture?"

Yoshi looks over to the source of the voice, brushing her hair out of her face and sees one of the guardsmen smiling at her. He had a strange smile that didn't seem to belong to him.

"You filth, do you wish death to speak to me in such a tone...?" Yoshi replied.

"Yet it would seem m'lady is not herself." The guardsmen's appearance changed, shifting into that of a tanned woman, with daggers and small grimoires hanging by her glossy black leather armor, holding two daggers in her hands. Yoshi suddenly detected a strange magic signature, from her memory, he could tell she was from the league sent to spy on Elantis. She was still carrying the same sly smile.

"I thought I would find something interesting here in your expedition, but it seems something else has happened here. Far more fascinating." She puts her dagger across her tongue, her eyes half-closed and focused.

Then Hayato grabbed his large goblin penis and began masturbating.

The other two looked on in confusion, silence, realization then disgust.

"After we are finished, I am going to cut it off." Her eyes were like looking at filth. Of course Hayato didn't care because he was just trying to sate his lust.

The assassin's grimoires glowed on her armor as she crossed her daggers together.

"I can't say I have deduced who you are. But both of you will be dead once I am finished."

Yoshi's overpowered power gave him all-access to everything she could do and understands. This was a borderline pay to win. Hayato thought so as well at the same time but he was too maddened by lust to give it any thought as he kept rubbing his goblin penis, as large as it was, he didn't have any holes to put it in.

The assassin blended into the environment, the full black leather armor that outlined her tall athletic figure, her tanned face and dark eyes all became unseen as she sent a blade flying towards the both of them. Elantis Yoshi deflected the blade easily with a wave of her magic but that was just a distraction as the second, and third dagger flew from nothingness towards her.

She used her memory to conjure a sort of strange magic, and called upon a primal source. The ground beneath them began to crack as a bloody astral hand emerged from beneath the ground and seized the assassin who was inches near with her daggers ceasing in the air by magic.

"So you can cast using her memory as well...?" The assassin asked unfazed.

Yoshi smiled arrogantly and naturally with her lips. She thought she had won until her breasts jiggled and Yoshi felt the stab in her chest. The assassin had negated all that as she crushed the emerald necklace in her hand. Blessing her with protection, afterall she had come prepared to kill Elantis herself, an impostor taking over her body would prove far easier. Even if her body and protections were reinforced, Yoshi could feel something was happening that the dagger did, it didn't kill her and seemed to negate all her magic.

She falls to the ground, gasping in horror with the jet black dagger in her chest as Yoshi feels a push from her body and his existence being rejected by her as he is forced out from her body. He floats up in a daze to see the assassin on top of Elantis Vin, ready to pull out the dagger for a final blow.

That was when a hit was delivered, a green rod had hit the assassin, swung from the side by a green blur; an extremely tall and muscular looking ogre. It was his monster penis had hit her. He began giving off a primal roar. Yoshi tries to look for Hayato amidst the chaos then dawned upon him, who the ogre was and the fact that his monster penis managed to deliver the concussing blow.

"AHHHH! I NEED SEX! WOMEN JUST HERE! WHERE GO!?" Hayato yelled, apparently devoid of intelligence as well as he stomped off, the Earth shaking beneath his feet, ignoring Elantis under his feet.

The assassin was disoriented as she had hit the trunk of a tree, softening the blow only a little with an impact cast, and there, Yoshi saw his chance. He immediately made his choice and possessed the assassin instead. Lucky for him as well, Rosei could not see him. He could feel his fingers syncing, his immaterial unfeeling moments fading once again into flesh and he draws a breath from the assassin's mouth.

But her name and memories were sealed away. She started moving her hands against his will, trembling. Yoshi realized that this assassin had more mental training to resist control, he willed the same way. He was gonna have to do something.

He goes through his skills as she struggles against him and he saw his exp increase, he had both Elantis' levels and this assassin's level.

In a frantic panic, he selected and upgraded the apparent only branch of skill that he had, which was possession. It was all that was needed as he finally seized her and he saw the royalties she had assassinated, and the instructions of the leagues she worked for. This was another powerful woman he had jumped into, he just keep hitting the jackpot.

There was something different this time, he was in a dark space, he saw his astral penis and touched it. It was back he thought, he smiled in some delight until his ghostly soul body began to morph. He could feel himself getting taller, his muscles growing, and he felt it, he smiled.

That’s when he realized his hair was growing as well, his skin became tanned, his chest started to enlarge, his face shifting into a feminine one; becoming smoother and rounder, his erect penis shrinking slowly, losing its features until it became flat. His soul has become that of hers.

Rosei hunched forward and groaned softly in pain, drank a small vial of painkiller, in her pocket, she smiled as she regained her vision and control. Walks forward and pulls the dagger out of Elantis' chest, undoing the spell.

All the gears on her body clinked as she moved, her breasts were tightly clad by her glossy black leather armor which shaped her smooth figure. She looked at her own body as she rested her hands above her breasts and slowly moved it down her figure towards her crotch then squeezed her ass. The assassin's body was hard and muscular, much less softer than Elantis. Then as she squeezed her breasts, that was one exception.

Then Yoshi was expelled out of her body.

A visible shocked expression came onto both of their faces.

"What!?" They said at the same time.


"NO, YOU IDIOT, I AM YOU!" Rosie yelled back.

Ghost Yoshi’s consciousness connects with hers.

"Wait what? How come I don't...I HAVE TWO VISIONS!"

The other ghost Yoshi looks over at Elantis's body. And he stroked his ghostly chin as he grinned.



Loving the impersonation stuff! I also love how you described "her flowery scent". I just think that's hot. Thanks for this!💖💖💖