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Finally done with the last part of Popularity 2, thank you for your patience! In this part, we get to see a few old familiar faces again. What do you all think of Aki's final form and what else do you imagine could happen next?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comment section. I always greatly appreciate your continued patience and support, thank you!



Arisane (Twicetale)

Turned out Great! So glad to finally see Aki in all her final form glory! :P For anyone who's been paying attention you might notice the character on the last page has been my profile pic the last few months. :3 https://i.imgur.com/I6plFdH.png


There's a chibi angel now? Interesting.. Wonder how the story will go.. With Aki in full control means her decisions won't be affected by aku anymore.. Hopefully we will see aku back though, But the other series need some love to, keep up the good work 🙂


Have Aki use her half-demon powers to grow a cock and fuck Chika plx 🙏😈


Angel possession for Aki? More shenanigans. Does that mean Aki going to be like Dante and Vergil (half angel and half demon)? Can’t wait to see more Aki shenanigans. She needs to embrace being a hottie and cum addict.


Nooooooooooooooo! To be continued! Can't wait to see the next project!

Mon Coeur

I am thoroughly enjoying this story. As much as the art is incredible, it is like I'm waiting for the next release of a favorite manga.

Count Crusty

I'm hoping Aki will continue to become more demonic as the story progresses


Keep up the good work. Also, I take it there will be a Part 3 to the 'Popularity' series? Any thoughts on how many chapters you will have, or are you just coming up with ideas as you draw? Sorry if you've mentioned it before, but if so likely missed the comment since I check in rather infrequently.


Aki going half-angel and half-demon for chapter 3 would be so much fun. Like her demonic urges winning over the angel and turning Aki into a sex demon and angel


Can’t wait to see where this goes in chapter 3, but for now well done on chapter 2

Dijon Mustard

Literally how on earth is this art style so good. It’s genuinely my favorite art style that I had ever seen for women. It just is impeccably gorgeously immaculate

Mitchell N long

Love this so much. is there going to be a chapter 3 and will this be in colored??

John J.

Maybe the angel could influence her to be more of a pure, feminine maiden to balance out the sluttiness?