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Most importantly. Good to see you! 

Today I want to please you with a long-awaited new project. Certainly in the new project you will find already familiar things, which you might have seen from CTR, but also MANY NEW things. The stage of the project - the alpha version and in the future a huge amount of content awaits you.

I am enclosing a PDF document with both presentation and description of work with HYDRA.

Note that some anti-viruses will consider the program a virus, this is a false positive. You can read the report
here. I advise you to add the folder to exceptions.

The program is in a 7-ZIP archive.  
Download the archiver
.NET Framework 4.8.

Special thanks to @Riwwelorsch, @Ann Martiné, @ACE, @arcanazen, @DayDreamer, @Gadfly, @rizlah , @&&Devin, @Bloax , @RdWing and @wanderinarcheologist  for help with development and testing.



downloaded, preparing bios and starting


Can't wait to try it out!


Getting to it now! Thanks!




Gonna check it out first thing tomorrow (busy busy today but can't wait)!

James Tiller

XOC crashed every single pass with prime95, within seconds. 5950x monoblock, dark hero, triple rads, so it normally stays quite cool. Maybe 60’s under load but XOC and that Prime95 test spiked from 45 to 98.5 almost instantly and fails the diagnostics right at that point. Computer never crashes just Hydra diagnostics fail with a cmd_rejected_prerequesite 92 and 97. OC setting made it through prime95 temps never went over 45, but then crashed the very next test. Temps 38, cmd_rejected_prerequisite 97, 92, then 97 again.

Ravi Dissanayake

Congratulations Yuri! I’m soo excited


Hi James. Have you also tried normal mode? If so - how is the performance? Since i‘m on aio i‘m going through normal mode. The diagnostic started exact 2 hours ago. until now no reboots or similar. i run 5900x with dark hero & gskill 3800cl14-16-16-36 kit 4x8gb ram (ram manual oc in bios).


so this is only for zen3 , will nto work on 3950x?


I would really love to see a 'continue diag' button for when it gets 5-6 cores deep and hits the EDC limit and nukes the whole test when I had more EDC headroom to be able to set. RIP 2 hours of diag 😅😅


this thing seems to work really well. i had to ditch ctr. OC worked perfectly with everything except one game.. ghost hunters corp. game would crash randomly and cause a full reboot.. turning off ctr fixed the problem.. ran hydra and every other program/game worked perfect... then ghost hunters corp crashed and rebooted when i chose voice settings.. however.. hydra monitors, logs, and offers solutions.. i lowered CO in both tables four times before the crashing stopped.. i will do more testing tomorrow with that game.. I don't know what or why that game triggers something.. but i figured i'd mention it.. the troubleshoot assistance is absolutely priceless.


Or should I be setting the PPT / EDC / TDC well above what my motherboard recommends for their own profile?


Hey! There may be spamming of profile switching in settings mode. Try reducing GPU trigger by 5-10%


Yuri, after all diagnostics I saw this https://imgur.com/a/GKYTB4G Is this normal behaviar?


i had a reboot on the last core12 on my 5900x when trying to test with 4875. The whole test was running around 3ahalf hours. I must tell i just did basic checks with „whysoslow“ and aida and i never had better results yet on my pc. Its running much smoother and not so aggressive. for the „game mode“ with „all“ 4600mhz i believe i will go here on best cores safe +200mhz but before i say anything, i will first try and see how other benchmarks look like. Yuri, honest, its so good that is boring since not that is only taking the need from me to oc manual the cpu - it‘s so much better than i can do 😂😂 Thank you so much! really amazing. Ps: does hydra also effects the RAM performance? i never saw before 56.2ns on my F4-3800cl14 (4x8gb b die) Gskill ram. manualy i could reach 57.3 but not this. I will now start oc profile on my 3080 ti and compare results with previous ones…

Tom Parkinson

Hey Yuri, something somewhat concerning so I thought I would post here. After completing diagnostics right up to the end, my PC blue screened and is now in a permanent blue screen loop with the error code "BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO" and there appears to be no way to boot into Windows at this point. System restore fails, scan and repair does not fix the issue. I may have to format my C drive and reinstall Windows.

Tom Parkinson

My specs: Asus X570-F running latest BIOS with 5900X, previously using CTR without issues. 32GB of Corsair Dominator Platinum 3200 CL16 running just XMP enabled.

Tom DePaolo

I like what I see so far. I knew something was wrong with this 5950x I got and the diagnostics made it very clear that somehow I fried my top 2 cores on it. Check out C01 and C08 C01 216 4850 4825 67 -33 C02 188 4700 4850 69 170 C03 202 4725 4875 67 155 C04 207 4725 4750 68 10 C05 211 4800 4825 67 29 C06 198 4700 4875 68 176 C07 193 4675 4850 73 192 C08 216 4800 4750 74 -53


The "Analyze CO" Button does nothing? Do you think these "CO's" are good to use? https://pastebin.com/6YVF4KP2


Update: First time i managed go get more points than 2x2080ti sli in TimeSpy. I hit this result for the first time now: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/64335066 - 19818pts with 5900x - Evga ftw3 ultra 3080 Ti, G Skill F4-3800C14-8GTZN (4x8GB Manual OC).


No idea what it means, but maybe it helps you. Happens all the time when tuning is done and Hydra minimized to tray: CCD quality evaluation has been successfully completed! Results CCD testing CORE#1 CO: 45 CORE#2 CO: 1 CORE#3 CO: 31 CORE#4 CO: 23 CORE#5 CO: 11 CORE#6 CO: -11 Energy Efficiency CCD#1 3.98 | SILVER sample Phoenix deactivated! Hash sum of the command does not match the reference. Re-sending the command. 20:01:48: MODE RSMU CMD 5 ARG 0 Hash sum of the command does not match the reference. Re-sending the command. Hash sum of the command does not match the reference. Re-sending the command.

Tom DePaolo

On a 5950x system it gets to core 13 then I get this error every time 18:41:08: Test#3 Hash sum of the command does not match the reference. Re-sending the command. 18:41:50: CMD_FAILED 97 18:41:50: CMD_FAILED 39 18:41:54: CMD_FAILED 92 18:41:54: CMD_FAILED 97 18:41:55: CMD_FAILED 91 Phoenix deactivated! So its impossible to finish testing


how many steps? going on 5 hours now.


Hi did all the bios setting same as CTR? cause yesterday i try same with CTR tunner, but will cause reboot when start Diagnostic after first 11-12%, after i put all to auto it can run, but the performance will drop or nothing?


i have "PCI-MUTEX holding time has expired!" too many times


Hi There, not sure if I'm missing something, but half the profiles don't seem to be actually activated . Only the heavier workload profiles seem to engage. Also the chip is still boosting in what seems to be the AMD profile and requesting the nearly 1.5v which I hate. This is the reason I love CTR, you can set the profiles that the voltage never goes that high. Any advice to get this working like CTR otherwise I'll wait for updates and continue using CTR for now. Keep up the good work though!


How to get the app to start with OS? The main-settings slider does nothing. Whenever the system Phoenix restarts it sits there doing nothing until I start Hydra manually. I don't think that's what was planned? Also, is it worth advising people to set their Windows 10 to autologin? Staying at my computer and babysitting it while Hydra does its diagnostic shouldn't be required, should it?


Energy Efficiency CCD? Where is this data saved? The log file entry for that data is gone, may have been lost in a crash, so I never got to find out if Hydra thought I had a Tin Sample or a Golden one.