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I have reviewed your reports and requests in detail and an update will be ready tomorrow!

Also tomorrow I will tell you about further plans. They are there and they are ambitious ;)



I’m ready to fine tune 👨‍🎓


Hi, any info about the hotfix content? I had some strange readings regarding power in monitoring tools and an overheating event causing reboot before ctr reacted.


Any monitoring program will be a problem for CTR in most cases. There is a lot of software now with dirty sub-optimal code and their mode of operation looks selfish. If these programs don't communicate correctly with the SMU, it can cause a slow CTR response. You may also see abnormal sensor readings (most of the time this is a visual bug). + I will prepare an additional question and answer material.


Prime 95 gives me errors (some threads stop working after a few minutes in P1 mode). I didn't experience this in previous CTR versions.


I go away yesterday and leave my pc on , come back and see highest frequency 6018mhz. Wtf. is it normal on a 5800x? in games myhighest result was 5046


Ah okay. Yuri answer in the post before, abnormal sensor.


Sometimes you can see this funny visual bug :) I've seen already 65657MHz 😂


I feel like the8auer from Germany without extra cooling system 🤣


Is there a chance to set PX, P1 and P2 to a "normal use/gaming" scenarios and have another profile for undervolting? This way we don't have to override profile values when changing from one scenario to another.


Silly bug I found, when I double click on the icon in the tray it opens up my resolution screen changes.


I am trying to understand the new OB option..so if I am at 4900 with OB Limit +100....does adding more mV to the OB mV option push the CPU over the 5000Mhz max or will that OB limit still prevails? Just trying to understand the relation between the OB Limit, the OB mV and the Mhz speed entry.


OB does not add voltage, by any means, it only biases the SMU calculations (frequency per current voltageу) to get a higher frequency.

Danut Rotaru

If my mem is stable with 1.05 vcore and vddg ccd 0.950 and vddg iod 1.0 and vddp of just 0.880 will this impact max OB in CTR ( saw the recommendations for vsoc of at least 1.15 vcoreand IOD 1.05 )


Question: how to update to the upcoming v16 from v15? Can't find any information about upgrading to new ver in the guide.


It's not out yet. Yuri will post it here once it becomes available.


I have some strange anomalies. Asus x570 - calculate p1 on llc2 VID: 1100mV Vdroop: 6% CCX # 1: 4275MHz CCX # 2: 4175MHz (real cpu voltage is 1019mv in stress) for llc3 calculate p1 VID: 1100mV Vdroop: 3% CCX # 1: 4250MHz CCX # 2: 4150MHz (real cpu voltage is 1050mv in stress) Why ctr calculate lower mhz in llc3? Setting up manually and testing in prime95 (smallest fft) with llc3 I have a stable 4350/4225 The second thing is Ob, I still don't get it. With llc2 and 4275/4175 settings, I set ob = 8 and + 50mhz, while cinebench see 4350/4275 (it's jet + 75mhz) and i am confused :) another thing is prime95. With llc2 and ob = 8, it also boosts by 75mhz and prime bursts with errors. However, with llc3 and on = 8, even more underclocking (I have less about -50mhz, despite the fact that the clocking as I wrote above and so calculated lower than with llc2) Help


All those hotfixes , patches...


do you imagine early access or development process differently?


Probably because of cpu temp. Higher temp = lower clocks.


I hate to join in, but these guys are right - there has been zero releases that have been "release candidate" - they have all been beta at best. and before anyone misunderstands our (my Position) we're here as supporters - and believe in what is being done; and love the outlook of what is coming. but we should get less "ground breaking programming changes" when there isn't even solid base (that doesn't change rapidly). this isn't RC(X) territory, this is Alpha/Beta Territory. for example, I have had ZERO runs on my 5800x/5900x that have benched higher than stock on my system; and that's only counting the runs that don't crash; that's not a program that's working; and not a program that I could agree would be RC - even discord is confused at some of the issues that are circulating.


You can use your settings if they are stable, I have nothing against it.


This month 16 patches for CTR were created, users receive only 2. These are the most stable versions and innovations. I try as much as possible to save users from using software of improper quality.


We can for sure debate whether or not it's an Alpha/Beta or RC, but sincerly I find hard to believe that CTR have had ZERO runs higher than stock settings. In my experience the results are close to the ones of PBO+CO e in some cases even better (Cinebench 20 about 8700 vs 9000 with lower temperatures) but for sure far better than stock.


Regardless of how it is called, I spend more than 14 hours every day on the project. Our team's testing may differ from the results some users get. Some processors have no reserve, some users don't read the manual, and so on. I would also like to remind you that the CTR project is primarily about getting maximum energy efficiency. It's about not using AMD's high voltage or mythical frequency with stretching. The weighty argument is performance relative to temperature.


Alberto; I find it hard to believe that my experiences are so quickly dismissed. I have never had CB bench as high as pre tuning with CTR on any 3 of my systems (ver 2, and 2.1) - both Zen 2 and Zen 3 processors.. I have never pushed PBO+CO yet on the Zen 3 systems. @Yuri - I understand you spend many hours on the project, and it's a great project, it's one of the reasons I am a Patreon subscriber, EVEN THOUGH I can't make full use of it. I never mentioned max performance - I never mentioned mythical frequencies - I just said I cannot get "better" performance with CTR than without (no PBO+CO); and that I can relate to these other guys - the software doesn't feel, nor resemble a "RC" product, and to give them shit about "software dev" when this is a clear fact is just callous.


Can u give cb20 multicore example scores and frequencies for stock and ctr, please?

Brandon Kneeland

This latest update im hitting higher frequencies at lower temps than i ever have and I never crash its not perfect it does take some thought on your end and to follow the instructions but for my sample size of 1 im very impressed max stable PBO + CO i ever would get is 4850 with high voltage using max LLC sometimes I can hit 4950+ stable with this release with less voltage and lower temps and before that 4875 I always love playing with new tech and always wanted a way to OC without losing the boosting effects on ryzen its not perfect but its the only project im aware of in this space im glad we can all air grievances but some of this feels unwarranted to me its also been my understanding that this is a beta and we are paying to support to have access to it and help to test. (Having the right LLC stable dram OC and turning off PBO were critical for good results) Thanks for everything Yuri!

Doug Wilkinson

i just want to say i feel exactly the same way! I am supporting Yuri more than CTR. Im happy to support him because i really appreciate this project. I'm also happy i get to test something bleeding edge since like you, i'm going to end up tinkering no matter what. I have a Zen2 processor and there is no curve optimizer so CTR has been really fun to test with.


I think Roy has a ignorant (this is a term not an insult) view on what Alpha, Beta, and Release Candidates are. The quality of the build does not define the category state change. These are all defined terms that tell where in the cycle a project is. Generally speaking: Alpha: There's going to be bugs. There's going to be new features. Features will change frequently. Beta: There's going to be bugs. New features are usually prohibited. Some features may change. Release Candidate: No new features. No features changing in core design. Bug's that are severe enough will stop the release. Upon proper testing over time it will advance to Silver or Gold master.

Doug Wilkinson

CTR is already in a "good enough" place for some of us already, and we've logged many hours gaming and productivity with CTR running without crashes and with cooler and quieter systems. I too have multiple machines and configs over here (zen2 and zen3) - each one behaves differently and CTR gives all better performance per watt vs stock or PBO+CO, which is the goal of the project. So for many of us things are working well already. I appreciate the breaking changes since this means development is moving forward and I get to provide feedback on it. If a version breaks i go back to the previous that worked well.


Tomorrow now?


Well, support, sure. My point being that all this “RC” are merely alpha versions and it may take long time till the final release is ready. This time I have had luck with 5950x and yesterday after minor tweaking I was able to boost up to 5050 MHz in Cyberpunk.


And that at 1.31 V , at 1.3 both CCX stable on OCZ, Cinebench. That CPU was labeled by CTR as silver , another RC as platinum etc etc ?...????


waiting 2


I'm on the starting block =)


My Vdrop is around 5%-6% even with Turbo setting. Is it safe to push to Extreme or Ultra Extreme? My board: Gigabyte B550I AORUS PRO AX.


i'm on Zen 2 too, CTR for our CPU is a must, AMD stock settings are absolutly insane in terms of temperature/power consumption and performance, with CTR i get much better performance with much low heat on the CPU, we will never have the 1-click diagnostics, but hey, it's just a little bit of extra work (and for me, fun)


The main condition is not to use voltages higher than 1.375V. Let's try Extreme.


Totally with you Brandon and Doug, this simply is cutting edge and I appreciate Yuri's efforts to further optimize those mass silicon products which still face a lot of variation: both in in terms of quality (also a result from current pandemic shortages and manufacturers trying to speed up the production), and board partners who interpret specifications differently, make mistakes and are just one part of the chain of failures that can impact quality visible to us customers. For me, CTR is a genuine attempt to even fix some things that manufacturers pushed under the carpet, and so a good investment even if 2.1 still bit embryonic. No matter the term, we all know this is in (very active) development, have accepted terms that say things may change any time, so by no means people expect being close to a stable release (and by the way, no software is bug-free ever).


These Gigabyte boards do be having some serious vdroop. I feel your pain. I have an x570 aorus master and the vdroop keeps my ideal settings between turbo and extreme also. I've found that these llc settings bring my vdroop to the ideal range and i've been running it without any issues.

Tanveer Jugpal

No more fast preset for PX, numbers are the lowest I've gotten, but, I will just run with what it gave me.


MIX = FAST, AVX = SAFE. If you read the manual, it states that the profile base frequency is not the final frequency. Even if you use 3800MHz for the PX, the maximum boost will not change. The base frequency exists only for soft switching of the profile.


Welcome back. After a month of break I sat down to the new version :) Compared to RC5, at 1050mv there are much lower values ​​in calculation p1 (4150 to 4075). I also do not understand this curve optimize, I calculate it, do some tests on the clock around 3950mhz and set the OB. Is it for 3950mhz? Should I stick values ​​for curve optimize in the bios?


Hey!I lowered the base frequency so that the profiles switch are softer. The resulting frequency is independent of the base frequency you see in the profile. The maximum frequency is controlled only by the OB. Curve Optimizer values you see in the diagnostics should be used if you are not going to use CTR.