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The problem is caused by the RAGE IDLE and the low sensor response rate on some systems. This is all fixable.

I need volunteers to check it out. Email me on Discord or here in private messages.



How do I know I'm affected? I'd love to help if I had a clear idea of what the bug is. (updated to CTR 2.1 RC4 just yesterday and didn't have much time to experience any bugs)


Great news. Cous instant reboot when p1 diagnose starts


I have some time too. Was it a failure of applying hybrid OC or a stability issue? I had problems getting RC4 hybrid stable. RC3 was more stable for me.


i can help test your hotfix










I can help I’m getting 5.02MHz in game and 4909 CB20 8 cores 8 threads


settings in hybrid P2 vid 1395 5050 usage 50% holding 300 P1 vid 1380 4925 50% usage holding 500


Also maintains 5.02 MHz average


Can help as well.


Did a 30 minute Test and there was no reboot as before in RC4. Seems good so far but need to do more testing later.


I’ll test your hotfix. Maybe this bug was the cause of my PX instability? PX settings that were stable in RC3 caused my PC to reboot as soon as the PX profile kicks in under RC4 ( starting 3dMark, for instance, or when there’s not much going on).

Tom DePaolo

Rc4 working great for me. Functions are all working good. Ive had some tests where my ccx2 clocks higher than ccx1 when I turn the llc down. I have a new aorus master x570 being delivered today and Ill see if it makes any difference.

Henry Curtis Pelgrift

Swiped from above. I had a restart during diagnostic. I’m also getting lower diagnostics results in CinnaBun20 than I was before. Initially, I was getting in the high 10,000s, now it’s in the lower or even the upper 9000s. I did raise the VSOC from 1.15 to 1.2 and the VDDG from 950 to 975 to combat WHEAs. Is that possibly why? I did also do auto LLC before, and I’ve set it back to that now after doing High and Low. Things got confusing on the vdroop front.

Henry Curtis Pelgrift

I used the HotFix and in one run just now (my first at profiler level 4), CinnaBun 20 had its first ever error! I have the error reports and everything. I can also include the CTR logs. Edit: Here ya go! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I8utSvGhzXRhl088R14iN40w6vsGn7pe?usp=sharing

Bill Bittel

Is CTR2.1 RC4 available for general download? I am a Patreon member but I think my membership level is not high enough to open the thread with the download link in it. Do I need to increase my membership level to get the download or will it be released to all? Thanks !

Brandon Kneeland

I wasnt having any issues but I did the hotfix and it actually caused this problem when I downloaded it I cleared my config before running diagnostic with hotfix ***ClockTuner for Ryzen 2.1 RC4 by 1usmus*** AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor GIGABYTE X570 AORUS ELITE BIOS ver. F33g SMU ver. 56.50.00 TABLE ver. 3672325 DRAM speed 3600 MHz 04/02/2021 10:53:17 P1 P1 PROFILE has been restored! P2 P2 PROFILE has been restored! PX PX PROFILE has been restored! Phoenix ready! Cinebench R20 started 10:53:33: Cinebench stopped! Phoenix ready! Cinebench R20 started Phoenix ready! Cinebench R20 started Cinebench R20 finished with result: 3967 Voltage: 1.102 V PPT: 76 W Temperature: 45.7° 10:55:01: Test 1 started! Problems with reading CBlog.log Cinebench R20 finished with result: 3968 Voltage: 1.102 V PPT: 76 W Temperature: 45.7° 10:55:02: Test 1 started! Problems with reading CBlog.log CB20_func System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) at System.Collections.Generic.TreeSet`1.AddIfNotPresent(T item) at System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value) at A.c7ef8ec682dd21d60b7ea8e49e2ff83f2.cd8d435a82310b90dbad69ae21eead639.MoveNext() 10:55:02: Cinebench stopped! 10:55:02: Cinebench stopped! Cinebench R20 finished with result: 3968 Voltage: 1.102 V PPT: 76 W Temperature: 45.7° Level of profiler 0 10:55:19: Test 1 finished! Level of profiler 0 10:55:20: Test 1 finished!


Just restart the application, sometimes CB20 has this problem