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* "TEMP.ini not found or file corrupted" completely fixed. The temporary values are saved in two files. 

* Improved support for low write speed SDDs or "dirty" OS. Avoids situations where logs or settings were corrupted due to a computer reboot. 

* "LibreHardwareMonitorLib" is removed from CTR. The monitoring response speed has increased up to 3 times. Response time during idle time is about 600µs, during 100% load it is 2000µs. 

* The limit for the maximum voltage is now 1.45V. A warning has been implemented if the user is using voltages over 1.35V. 

* Changed PCI mutex hold value. Improves application stability. * Information about the SMU version will be available in google-statistics.  

* HYBRID OC now cannot be enabled during tuning or diagnostics. 

* Found and fixed bug of AVX instruction execution in Zen3 processors (FFT 4096 changed to 2048). This sometimes caused sharp PPT jump, computer reboot or false error in CHECK STABILITY mode. Perhaps this problem also applies to Zen 2. I'll check it out. 

* Information about "CCX VID injection" is also available in diagnostic mode. 

* "CCX VID injection" on some processors with 1 CCX was 0. Partially fixed. However, there are many situations where the motherboard manufacturer has blocked this feature. Hopefully I will get a complete solution to the problem in CTR 2.1 

* Added some tooltips. 

The early access release will take place in a few days. The list will probably be updated if I find bugs or improve anything



Looking forward to it!


Is it possible to include a button to reset the active OC to stock? i manually start ctr, apply a profile, but when i want to go back to stock behaviour i have to reboot or reset to stock through ryzen master


Hi Yuri, again thanks for the amazing work. Could you please give some info about ctr 2.1? I am interested in hybrid oc 2.0 and auto curve optimizer. Can't wait to try it out


What is CCX VID injection?


Can't wait. RC2 is not great for me.


For this and previous releases: Is it needed to have Balanced Power Plan or Performance Plan during Diagnoses or will this affect the outcome?


I have the same problem, and agree that a reset button would be nice. Currently I start and stop Check Stability to reset the OC within CTR.


great job!my CHECK STABILITY mode always fall 94.1% with 1.25V 4.6


PMTable read failed! <---what's wrong??


Should work with any power plan (so it was said at the past).


I'm getting Thread# 25 fall down, usage 94.1% on a 5900X 12 core CPU, how can thread #25 be failing if the CPU only has 24 threads?


Same here with my 5900X. I thought that it was a simple text error rather than a real thread 25 fell down. But maybe it is being tested with more threads than the processor has ... Yuri?


Does anybody know why CTR is being sometimes loaded with the OS and sometimes not? And I ran the diagnostic three times because of this behavior. At first it was a bronce, than a silver and now Ive got a golden sample. Looks like Zen3 is like wine, gets better with age :-)


Incompatible BIOS. Sometimes just rebooting the system helps.


Read the FAQ please, it says that the category is affected by a huge number of factors. And you probably just have an unstable memory.


Yuri are the default values for P1 (1175 mV) and P2 (1275 mV) your recommendation for longterm usage? Are these voltages more on the safe side? What voltages are you recommend for max performance for a 5900X? At stock the CPU is around 1,30-1,33 during rendering. I also read that MSI issued 1.35 volts (1.30 volts under stress test condition) as a recommendation for manual OC.


Hi, my recommendation is a very safe range. The maximum safe voltage is 1.35


I'm using a 5950X and I'm unable to use CTR RC2, hopefully this versions works for me, keep the good work!