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Hey there fellow patrons!

Just wanted to update you all on the current happens. I’m just finishing putting on the final touches of the belated Halloween Werewolf Banger pic and it’ll be posted this weekend. This one took a long time because the Thursday before Halloween I was NOT liking how the colouring was coming out and with Scrap Yard orders and other personal arrangements, I essentially had a mental breakdown. Let’s just say that being a self taught artist, the limitations of your education tend to catch up every once in a while and I was glad I was home alone so I could properly vent. Afterwards, I did some research, scrapped the current colours and redid 90% of it with a new techniques that appear to have worked quite well.

Given the large scale of this image and with my current schedule/ease of mind, I’ve decide that the next big image will be the holiday pic and I can get a earlier start on it. Hopefully I be able to make a sketch or two i between to cool down. I’ll be posting a poll shortly for the holiday options.

Thank you for the patience, understanding and patronage!




I'm so sorry to hear you experienced that, it sounds awful. I hope things feel more calm soon


It was a shitty couple of days and a big set back. Frustration more than anything, luckily I had friends over that weekend, I learned and grew as an artist and I can apply these techniques to future projects :)