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Released to all on May 9th!!


DFF Season 1 Episode 9



"Save White at all costs", exactly! My boy is the only innocent one here! Yeah, it's weird they don't have subtitles for a lot of the writing stuff in this show. I believe what Phee saw at the house had something to do with New's studying overseas. And wayyy back, the article about Tee's uncle was something along the lines of "Money-laundering criminal found dead." If you go back in the early episodes, Tan asks like a million questions. Once you know, it's obvious that he was trying to find out what happened to Non. Also, him and Phee are the only ones who don't hallucinate. White does actually hallucinate, but it's not as intense as the others and doesn't focus on Non. Specifically, he hallucinates the boils all over his skin the bathroom, I'm curious if that will come into play at all. He does see the mask during that scene, but I think it's more from everyone else freaking out about the mask than him specifically being scared of what it represents (Non) like the others are. I didn't expect Tan to be involved at all! It was such a good plot twist! As all the other episodes were airing, there was an ongoing joke about how all these characters had crazy stories, relationships, connections, who were the bullies, the victims, blah blah blah. And then it was always just "Tan: has asthma", haha, cause that's the only thing we really learned about him the beginning episodes. Haha, Phee taking his shirt off, haha. That sex scene was wild though.... I definitely think Phee likes Jin, he was probably just a bit confused and then didn't want Tan/New upset with him, and felt somewhat guilty towards Non.