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Released to the cats Meow/Meeow on Monday May 20th!!


Skam Season 2 Episode 3 Are you hiding something from us



Something kinda fun to notice (you see it a lot more in season 3 and season 4, but it's here too) is how characters are portrayed a bit differently through the eyes of the main character. Like "Noora's Vilde" is a little different from "Eva's Vilde", same with Sana and Chris a bit, then with Jonas, Isak, and P Chris a little bit too. Like I said, it's more obvious in season 3 and season 4, but something fun to kinda observe. I feel like that also "helps" Jonas' character a bit. Eva was paranoid about him so everythinggg he did looked bad. Where Noora doesn't have that so you see Jonas a bit chiller and kinda realize maybe he wasn't that bad to begin with, haha I agree about being surprised that Noora kinda likes this or is falling for him when he seems to be everything she is always so intense about with her friends. Like she's always telling Vilde off for saying mean things about girls but is starting to fall for a dude where him and his friends give girls hoodies with their names bolded on them when they sleep with them. Like just kinda seems off. I do like Noora though, haha, she is a character I really like!

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That's so true! I described it as character growth, but I agree more with you in that it's just a different side you're seeing of each characters.