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Hey everyone,

 As some of you may remember, I have been using Google drive in addition to Vimeo in an effort to keep my bandwidth down. Unfortunately I have had my account suspended for Violation of copyright law. This means that some of the videos on Patreon may not work now. There weren't a ton, but there were a decent amount. I will be going through them and converting them to Vimeo, but until then if you come across one and need the link then let me know and I will make it a priority to upload first. Sorry about the issue! I really thought this would be a good fix, but I guess not lol Hope everyone is having a great week!

Jessie and Dobbie



So sorry this happened!! Not sure why these video-sharing websites seem to just pick and choose who can do what. I’ve seen similar things happen with other creators with all different sites.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

It seems to be certain companies that crack down so much harder than others. Warner Brothers for example is horrible