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The Wilds Season 1 Episode 1 Day One


Melanie Dubois

Glad you enjoyed the pilot Jessie!! So yeah basically, each episode is centred on one girl which is great bc we get to learn more about them before they landed on the island. So sad about Janette, she was also my favourite when i first watched the pilot... Regarding the relationship between Leah and Jeff, thank you for calling out Jeff's creepy behaviour towards Leah, bc i remember a lot of ppl being so awful to Leah for lying about her age in the first place as if she was the vilain of the story... i get that it wasn't the right choice but she's just a teenager. That ending scene still gets me goosebumps lol Excited for the next one!!

ingrid vedeld

Love this show sooo much. Can't wait for the rest of the season. It's a wild ride for sure.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Screw Jeff, he is a grown ass man! 16 year old Leah is supposed to make poor choices and learn from them, that's what being a teenager is.