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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday May 10th 2024!!


Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 5 Prophets


Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Finch can say he’s worried that the machine will disregard Her assets if they die and carry on the objective, but so would the whole team. If any of them died, the rest would still carry on the mission. They carried on after Carter. The Machine may not be able to show love the way a human would, but Root & Shaw, and sometimes John, don’t express love how normal people do either. Doesn’t mean they don’t feel their version of love. Finch may be the main character but he is definitely the one I like the least. He may have built the Machine but he has zero understanding of Her. Thats why She felt such a connection to Root. Because Root instinctively understood Her.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

There is definitely a special relationship between the machine and Root that is 100% unlike the relationship between Finch and the machine, but it's also important to acknowledge that that is becuase Finch was purposely trying to make it that way so that the machine wasn't bias. The group carrying on a mission would still have emotional feelings towards the situation, which may impact how they perform moving forward. The machine, however, would not. Or atleast Finch thought it wouldn't becuase that's how it made it to be. That's what makes the progression into the season 4 finale so awesome, that conversation the machine and Finch has and what it means after having been through everything in the previous seasons!