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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday December 14th!!


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Melanie Dubois

Thank you for the reaction Jessie!! First of all, i'm so relieved that Becs's mom was so supportive of her after finding out about the pregnancy. That was really nice of her. As for the Will/Theo storyline, can i just say that it's so so great to have a demi sexual character representation on tv, it's like super rare. And then you made a very interesting point at the end of your commentary that I haven't thought about before. You're probably right about Theo being interested in Will for a while and taking the ""date"" with Mia as an opportunity to get closer to Will cause yeah he was most likely thinking that Mia would bring her friends this evening...but the whole thing went the wrong way lol. And yeah i was also super surprised to see Theo being into Will, i really thought that he was either reject him and running away. i'm glad they did not take that way, that would have been awful to witness especially for Will. Plus they're honestly very cute together. There has been a lot of theories going around on twitter about the possibility that Alison has been in love with Mia for years prior. That she tried to stay in touch by checking Mia's mom social media's and that it's the main reason of why she started hanging out with Mia's friends in the first place. And that it would explain why she was behaving so distantly/cold in the pilot, cause she was probably scared of getting close/hurt again. But then in episode 2 she was like "man i can't do it" Anyway, i agree, the spa day really sold us on Alison. She seems to understand Mia's needs more than anyone (like covering her with the robe while Mia was changing) and she's doing anything she can in order to make Mia comfortable in difficult circumstances. The "no cause i'm yours" showed so much growth for Alison as a character. It's really sad that it's mainly one sided. You're 100% right about the whole secret divorce thing, you can't blame Alex for keeping it to himself knowing that it would damage Mia's personality even more than she already is. You can't just put your youngest son on the spot like that, it's unfair. Have a good day!!