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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday December 14th!!


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Thank you for another great reaction! Top is soooo frustrating. I hated his "compromise" with Mew. He knew that Mew would give in because he didn't want to end things with him and used that to his advantage. I don't know how anyone likes Top at this point of the show. I think it is true that Top does like Mew seriously, but that doesn't make his actions okay AT ALL. I think they just do handjobs or something like that. Not full penetrative sex. I feel like it's hard compare Boston and Top because one of Boston's biggest issues is how he treats his friends. We don't really see Top with any friends, lol, besides Beam I guess. So they both treat "partners" (romantic, or just sexual), but we have only seen Boston just treat everyone he supposed to care about badly. So I think Boston kinda wins in the 'who's worse' category, lol. I like how you describe Ray's feelings for Mew, I totally agree. It's less of real romantic feelings and more 'he's the only one I'm living for' kinda feelings. I think it's so easy to mix up such strong feelings for someone who helped you at your lowest. After the beginning scene with Ray, it's so heartbreaking to think back to all the times his friends and Sand have reinforced his thoughts. Boston calls him a burden multiple times, Sand calls him a burden multiple times, in the first episode the friend group mock him for saying 'I love you' and 'don't leave me' when he's drunk. Even in the scene in the music store where Ray tells Sand to yell at him, he is so used to the idea of people being upset with him and thinks he deserves to be punished. I think it's kinda powerful how Sand says no and refuses to treat Ray that way, even though he hurt him. I love Nick and Sand's friendship. It's probably one of my favorite relationships in the show. I will say though that Nick is wayyyyy too trusting, haha. If I bugged someone's car, I would go to the grave with that secret. Boeing is an important to remember. And remember why Sand doesn't like Top? Another link in the relationship spiderweb that is forming. Honestly one of my favorite parts of this show and the reaction to it is that no one seems to agree about anything. Some people really hate some characters that other people really like, some people think some things aren't as bad as others while some are the complete opposite. The moral debates this show brings up are really interesting! Can't wait for the next episode. It's one of my favorites!