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Concerned Citizens for the Truth Merch!!


Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday July 4th 2024!!


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ahhh it’s finally over! it’s such a bittersweet ending in some ways but i love this show so much. it’s easily a top 5 show for me too. thank you ophelia for sponsoring the entire series. i love that ted’s ending was your unexpected favorite. i love that he finally learned to accept himself fully. him finally realizing he doesn’t need someone to complete him and then blake showing up right when he has that realization was perfect. even though we really don’t have too much of them throughout the series, they are surprisingly one of my favorite ships on the show. they have such a pull on me and i always get so emotional over them. i know it’s controversial but i’ve always loved brian and justin’s ending. justin is still only 22/23, he’s so young, i didn’t want him settled down into married life yet. brian’s business is a success and you just know justin will end up being some hot shot artist and they’ll have enough money to travel the world and explore new places together. brian has always wanted to get out of pittsburgh, there’s no reason to think he’ll stay there indefinitely. this isn’t the end for them. even still, that “whether we see each other next week, next month, never again, it doesn't matter…it’s only time” makes me cry every time. it’s so true, their love spans time, they will always be with each other even if they aren’t physically. i also love that brian didn’t return the rings because he does still want that someday. it’s just not the right time now.

Molly C

Thank you Ophelia! This was the first time I found a reactor for this series and I'm so glad you appreciated it as much as we all do. Such a fantastic and underrated show. It had been a couple of years since I completely rewatched it and everytime i’m delighted by how much I love these characters and the writing on this show. One of the best ensembles of my lifetime. Ugh much love. My headcanon is def that Brian and Justin are endgame eventually and one of those couples that is always together even when they're not. I would kill for them to do a reunion season or a movie haha