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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Tuesday December 12th!!


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The whole Baratie arc is the one that probably got the most changes. Originally Arlong doesn´t show up here. In general we only learn about him at all after this arc. In the anime and manga the Baratie actually got attacked by the guy that Mihawk killed last episode before he went after Luffy. But they had to condense stuff of course, and it´s a good way to get Arlong involved earlier. And yes, the anime has over a thousand episodes, and is still ongoing, but we are getting "close" to the end of the journey. The live action adaptation covers roughly up to episode 45. So you can imagine how much they could still potentially cover. This show could go on for 20+ seasons, easily. Sanji and Zeff´s backstory is really good. I would probably give up after a week, let alone 70 days. It´s not even just the food and the hunger, but the isolation. They didn´t really interact with eachother, so both of them just sat on that rock for 2 months without anyone to talk and interact with. Can´t wait to finish the season next month!