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Angel Eyes


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Angel Eyes- Thank you very much for a beautiful reaction for such a beautiful and heartfelt movie, Jessie. I am so happy that you truly loved this movie. And I so am grateful to you for watching it for me too. :) Jim Caviezel is phenomenal in this movie as Catch, or Steven Lambert. Jim Caviezel is always just phenomenal. Like he is for me in every role I've ever seen him in. The way he is able to always play such different, and yet broken, guilt-ridden characters especially... Seeing him play these characters always gets to me every time. I love him in Person of Interest, as well as in The Count of Monte Cristo and in Frequency, where he plays broken characters who fight to break free from their pain and to help save those he cares about most. And I love him here in Angel Eyes as Catch, who is deeply broken until he is saved himself by a woman with angel eyes. While he has tragically blocked out the day of the horrific accident that tragically kills his wife and young son, he's drawn to Sharon because of her eyes, as they're the eyes of the woman who saved his life that day. He doesn't understand why he's drawn to her, but he knows her eyes and that she is somehow someone he knows has helped him in ways he can't understand. At least not until she helps him to face his past he never meant to forget. And I love Catch as a character. I love the mystery behind who he is, and learning more and more about him as the movie continues on. But I love his story. It breaks my heart seeing how the loss of his wife and son has caused him to shut down and lose all memory of that one minute of his life where everything sadly changed for him, while his own pain and guilt consumed him and failed to allow him to move on. His overarching story is quite beautiful and heartbreaking. Oh... And I love seeing Catch playing Nature Boy on the trumpet. A song I love very much. A song that is played and sung in a number of movies I love, including Moulin Rouge. Which is where I suspect you must have remembered it from too. Given that I know you love musicals just as much as I do. The scene between Catch and Sharon inside the jazz club is quite a powerful moment. I really do wish we could have gotten to see a moment in the end of this movie between Catch and his old friend who came up to him at the club to welcome him back, so that we could have seen that maybe Catch was welcomed back to play there for his friend again, like he appeared to do before the accident. That would have been really nice. Next... Jennifer Lopez plays Sharon, a woman who is most definitely broken as well, because she is always struggling to find hope and joy in her life after growing up in an abusive and crushing environment due to her father beating her mother and brother, who always took the brunt end of his abuse in order to keep her safe. I love the relationship between Sharon and her partners, as well as with the other cops. And I love how they're always there for her, especially when her own family aren't. Now... I've never cared all that much for Jennifer Lopez as a musician/singer. There really aren't too many of her songs that I have heard of hers, let alone have cared for. Mostly just because I don't love these kinds of performances. Her voice is beautiful though in the right songs. In her more calm and beautiful songs. And I've always thought that she is far too Hollywoodized, or made into such a big deal. She's far too overhyped in my opinion. But I have enjoyed her in a number of her movies. I like her a lot in a few of her romantic comedies such as The Wedding Planner and Maid in Manhattan. I love her in Selena as well. All in all... I definitely prefer Jennifer Lopez as an actress, far more than I like her as a singer. And I really love her in Angel Eyes especially. I think her character in this movie is special, and someone whom a number of this movie's viewers can relate to. The pain she and Catch struggle with throughout this movie is powerful, and they both suffer in ways that quite a number of us all struggle with too. Which is a big reason why I love Angel Eyes so much. Because the pain and emotions are all very real, and their struggles... Them being able to see them overcome them is absolutely powerful and so beautiful. They're both drawn to one another because they can both see and feel that there is something special about the other person that help them to feel they are just meant to be together. And they both help one another to overcome their pain as they continue to grow stronger. And lastly... I really love the very first moment Catch and Sharon come together, when Catch saves Sharon from being killed by one of the street thugs who had just shot up the cop diner where she and her partners had all been enjoying a little downtime together before all hell breaks loose. The moment Catch's and Sharon's eyes meet... Wow! So powerful. And while they don't really know one another, you can see the sense of recognition and the connection between them both in their eyes. I absolutely love this moment between them. Just as I love the moment between Catch and Sharon in the very ending as well, upon seeing just how much they've both helped one another break through their pain. So wonderful. Oh... And I love that Catch saves and takes in the beautiful doggie he comes to name Bob too! He's so cute!! :) Thank you once again for your reaction, my dear friend! I truly enjoyed watching Angel Eyes again with you, and I appreciate your willingness to continue watching these movies with me. I look forward to many more reactions for both movies, as well as shows to come! :) Thank you, Jessie! Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... You mentioned at the beginning of this reaction that you have seen the movie... Pay It Forward, but that you don't remember Jim Caviezel being in it. His role isn't too big. However, to me, he is quite a memorable character. Jim Caviezel plays the homeless man whom Hayley Joel Osment's character helps. The first of the people he seeks to help in the hopes that his example in doing so will lead to those he helps to seek out to help others too. And this homeless man is actually the first of Hayley Joel Osment's friends he makes, who later does indeed pay it forward, when he helps a young distraught woman seeking to commit suicide by jumping off of a bridge, by talking her down. It's such a beautiful moment in this movie, and one of my favorite scenes throughout this entire beautiful movie. :) Heidi