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Elite Season 7 Episode 7 Just Hug Me



So Sara created that new account, Raul noticed the name, and that´s why he checked Sara´s shirt that said "Pink Revolution". And he checked her phone to confirm his suspicions. I feel so bad for Chloe and Ivan. They both got screwed up by Carmen. I´m pretty sure Ivan is throwing himself at Joel because he is hurt and uses him to feel good, just like Omar does. And Chloe was broken even before Carmen made out with Ivan. Her mother made her feel like screwing with guys gives her the power, but now she realizes that she doesn´t feel good about that. And now she is getting pushed towards Raul, because Carmen screwed her up. You know, if they wanted us to believe that Carmen cares about Ivan, even if she was just there for the money initially, she should have rejected the money to show that she genuinely wants to try. I was wondering where Omar´s parents are. They left on good terms in season 3, and then never showed up again. I get that Omar is an adult and doesn´t want to rely on his parents, but I would have assumed they would have been there to help him when his whole depression and anxiety got bad. And in that situation he wouldn´t need Joel to be his sole anchor.


I definitely agree that Rocío should have been way more sensitive with what she said to Eric. I thought she had a good understanding of his current mental state and then she went and did all of this! I'm not sure if you've realised but Eric doesn't just have anxiety/depression, they're symptoms of a more serious mental health condition. The medicine he was prescribed, Olanzapine, is an antipsychotic drug that is used to treat either Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, or both. I think he's Bipolar because he swings between manic episodes and depressive. He mentioned at the dinner table that he was manic before taking the medication. He seeks out risky behaviour, gets very easily agitated, and stays out all night long which highlights his lack of need for sleep. He also gets obsessed with big ideas and important plans like saving the community centre, or randomly became engrossed in baking. And he stripped naked when it was not socially appropriate. These are all common symptoms of mania. In fact, he has almost all of the symptoms of both the manic and depressive cycles of Bipolar. It's not usually a drug that's prescribed on its own to treat Bipolar so maybe he's Schizophrenic too as he shows symptoms of that too in later episodes. Sorry my nursing degree comes out whenever I see people prescribed meds on shows 😂