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Tin Man Part 1 Into The Storm


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Tin Man Part One: Into the Storm- Thank you so much for a fabulous first reaction to part one of this amazing and fun miniseries, in a fabulous retelling of The Wizard of Oz, Jessie!! I really enjoy this miniseries as a whole! I do think that maybe Tin Man is the wrong name, given that this miniseries is more DG's (Dorothy Gale) story than it is Wyatt Cain's (the Tin Man) story. And because Glitch (the Scarecrow) and Raw (the Cowardly Lion) are both just as important to this overall story as Cain is. But... C'est la vie! I love the overall story told throughout this retelling. Now... Glitch is my favorite character throughout this miniseries, because I absolutely love, love, love Alan Cumming as an actor, whom I've seen a great number of movies and shows as well. I also love Glitch the most, because the Scarecrow has always been my favorite character in The Wizard of Oz. Ray Bolger as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz was incredible and so lovable! However, Alan Cumming in this miniseries is phenomenal, and I just overall love Glitch for many reasons. I love the take on his character, as he is a man whose brain has literally been taken by Azkadelia, as punishment for him being a loyal and dear friend of DG's and Azkadelia's mother. And us actually seeing that his head is empty, thanks to the detail of a zipper keeping his head closed, is a brilliant and clever idea that I really love. Plus... With Glitch being so absent minded and forgetful... Fabulous! I love it!! I love how brilliantly Alan Cumming plays this character I love so much!! :) Neal McDonough is fabulous as well! Once again... I've seen him in a number of movies and shows too, and whether he's a good guy or a bad guy, I love him! I love Neal's character... Wyatt Cain. I love that he is a resistance fighter, or rebel against Azkadellia and her army. And I love that instead of him being a character made completely out of tin, he's a cop or soldier fighting to save OZ, or rather... the O.Z. from the Wicked Witch. I love that the name Tin Man is taken because of his tin badge because Cain is a cop. Also... I truly love Cain's backstory, and his reason for being a character without a heart. Because of the tragedy that's come of his life upon him supposedly losing his wife and child as far as he believes, and because he had been trapped for many years inside the tin suit which DG and Glitch first found him in and rescued him from. So marvelous! Zooey Deschanel as DG... This story's Dorothy Gale, is wonderful! I've loved Zooey in a number of movies too. She's always so cute! And a great actress. And I love her in this role as DG. I love her overall story, and her longing for adventure! And she's just fantastic with each of her friends now at her side. Now... Raoul Max Trujillo is the one actor playing one of this miniseries' main characters that I don't know from anything else. At least not as far as I recognize, given that he has guest starred in a number of shows I've watched over the years. Nonetheless... I enjoy his portrayal as Raw, or the Cowardly Lion. I enjoy the overall take on the Lion's character from The Wizard of Oz. And as for Azkadellia, in the role of the Wicked Witch of the West... She is played by actress... Kathleen Robertson, whom I've also never seen in any other show or movie, aside from her guest starring roles in various shows I've watched too. She has just never played a role that stands out in these appearances, same as Raoul Max Trujillo. However, I really enjoy her as this story's take on the Wicked Witch, or as she is known to be... An all powerful sorceress now ruling the O.Z. in place of her mother upon Azkadellia capturing her mother and imprisoning her. She's not nearly as fabulous as Margaret Hamilton in the role of the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz. Whom I absolutely love and adore!! However, I do think that Kathleen Robertson does a good job portraying this role as a powerful evil sorceress. She plays evil well, and I enjoy Azkadellia's overall character. And then... I love the overall take on the Wizard throughout this miniseries, played by none other than Richard Dreyfuss, whom I have loved in a great number of movies over the years as well. And while he isn't at all like the Wizard from The Wizard of Oz, I do enjoy that this wizard, or rather... the Mystic Man, is also a fraud, thanks to the vapors he's become addicted to over the years because of Azkadellia. This is a very interesting take on the Wizard's character. And Richard Dreyfuss is great! I truly enjoy Tin Man as a miniseries. And I loved watching your reaction to Part One! I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying it so much, so far. I hope you will continue to enjoy this miniseries. I can't wait for your reactions to Parts Two and Three as well, Jessie! Thank you so, so much for reacting to Tin Man for me, my dear friend! You're wonderful!! :) Oh... And don't worry about watching this miniseries with all the commercials in each part if you have to watch them this way. It's no bother to me. Plus... They give you extra time to really dive in and talk about what you've watched so far. So, I am fine either way. If you can find a copy of this miniseries without the commercials... Fabulous! If not... It's really fine too. Don't worry on it! :) Thank you very much, Jessie! Sincerely, Heidi