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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday May 30th 2024!!


Queer As Folk Season 5 Episode 4 Hard Decisions


Molly C

This is maybe my 4th time watching this series and its really hitting me this time in this final season that I hate what they did to Michael’s character because at this po not in the series I just don't like him anymore and can't understand his selfishness. It's ironic Melanie picked him after refusing to have Brian as the bio dad when regardless of their troubles he brought Mel and Lindsay back together and signed over parental rights for Gus. He held up his end of the agreement in the end and then she decided to go with the donor she thought would be agreeable only for him to take her baby away part time. It would be one thing to have a sleepover a few times a month but them splitting does not give him the right to go back on an agreement. Sure they should have had a signed contract but I would have never forgiven him. You knew youd see the baby but not raise it. So narcissistic to then think the baby should be with you and Ben because you've been parenting a teenager for a few months and bought a house. Always thought Ben would correct him first time watching and he never did