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Hey, Everyone!

Patreon decided to change up A LOT of the layout on their site, as I'm sure you have notived as well. One of the big things they chnaged was the way I see/get notified of comments. Instead of keeping them in an seperate catergory, they are all jumbled together with EVERY notification I get. From new people signing up, likes on videos, ect. I make it a point to try and answer every comment that I see becuase I appreciate the time you took to write something, but if I happene to miss some lately it is because of this change that Patreon made. I'm sure a few are going to get lost in the crowd, and if they do just knwo that I really appreciate you and if you ever have any questions that you need answers to just feel free to DM me! Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Jessie and Dobbie