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Released to the Cats Meow/Meeow on Tuesday September 26th!!


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1. Super happy you seem into the show. It is kinda niche and unique but really rewarding to watch. 2. Sandman is one of those highly regarded graphic novels from 1989/early 90s that were always just a bit too weird to get adaptations (and Neil always says he spent 30 years killing bad adaptations so this is why this one took so long) 3. Sleeping Sickness was something that actually occurred around 1920s. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1919%E2%80%931930_encephalitis_lethargica_epidemic 4. They have mentioned in episode 1 that Dream and his artifacts proximity will prolong life. Action takes place in ‘current day’ so 2020s and we started in 1916 and met Ethel in 1926 so she is quite spry for close to 120 (Alex likewise was over 100 when trapped in his sleep). While the show does not make it super explicit Dream’s narration mentions it is pre ‘war again’ in that killing Jessamy/Ethel escape part of episode 1. So John would be born in late 1930s making him in his 80s easily. 5. Gaiman loves his religions and mythologies. We get Kane and Abel from Christianity here but also Three-In-One Greek Fates. (And yes they were surprisingly patient with Dream and his questions). 6. So the comics are actually somewhat set in DC universe and the magician character used is indeed John Constantine. Due to variety of production reasons we will get Joanna Constantine here. Hope you enjoy her :) 7. Yeah… Corinthian’s eye sockets have teeth.Fun?! Ugh. 8. Again super happy you seem to dig the show <3